
Saturday, April 27, 2013

Havana Weed Oil by Regency Cosmetics c1975

"A not so ordinary weed threatens to engulf America with its unusual scent. But before you reach over and dial the Environmental Protection Agency, may be you ought to know the ancient legend of the Malagua tree, and the manner of its modern-times use to create a new trend to unisexual fragrances.

The blossom of Malagua tree, which is in fact a giant weed from the sunny Caribbean, is used in a new scent for men and women, predicted by noted experts as the fragrance of the future. 
According to legend, in the early 17th century at a time when all things mystical and mysterious permeated the culture of the Caribbean, the early Conquistadors were invading the islands in their search for Caribe gold. 
The islanders had developed the art of deriving a highly prized oil from the malagua blossoms. The oil was said to possess strange and the mysterious qualities which could act on the senses like an aphrodisiac. 
The friendly islanders willingly surrendered their secret to the Conquistadors who shared in the ritual of stroking the oil onto their bodies to immerse themselves in the mysterious hold of the weed. They soon came to value the oil nearly as much as they valued gold.
So goes the legend, which remained lost in antiquity until its rediscovery by Bert Van Kooten, who is young , Dutch and very inquisitive and who stumbled across the ancient story. So fascinated was he, that he ventured to the Caribbean in pursuit of his hobby of tracking down those things that exude usual scents to help him in his art as a skilled professional perfumer. His curiosity about the blossom that had spurred the legend is being amply rewarded. 
Van Kooten is the creator of “Havana Weed Oil” which was sweeping the country as Musk Oil did in the previous decade. His sensitive professional “nose” soon told him that alone and unassisted the fragrance of the weed was too simple and disappeared too quickly. He would have to combine it, and this would eventually take him two and a half to find exactly the formulation he sought to enhance the Havana Weed Oil fragrance. 
Using the sensuous scent of the Malagua blossom as his violin, he carefully orchestrated a symphony of fragrant ingredients which would linger on as a background to its clear haunting melody and all would never vanish at the same time. 
The fragrance was introduced in 1975 in Europe before its introduction in the USA.
Havana Weed Oil is quickly taking its place in the forefront as an answer to the new trend seen the developing in unisexual fragrance. 
Although no user has been seen anointing his or her body a la 17th century, rumor has it that some may be testing to see if the Conquistadores were right. Test it for yourself at America’s foremost cosmetic departments as well as in fifteen foreign countries and who knows, it may immerse your in the spell." - New York Magazine, 1976

Kerrville Mountain Sun 1976:
"CAST A SENSUOUS SPELL. Now you can experience the sensual power of a legendary fragrance that was able to arouse emotions. From the blossom of the Malagua tree comes a flower oil of such sensuous quality, it was used as an aphrodisiac by the early Spanish settlers in the Caribbean—the legend goes. And now offer over 200 years, the fragrance has been recreated in Europe. Havana Weed Oil. the imported fragrance with highly seductive powers. Available for men and women in mysterious black and gold packaging —at fine cosmetic departments. Havana Weed Oil Perfume Vial 1/3oz. Havana Weed Oil Natural Spray 2oz. Havana Weed Oil After Shave/Cologne 4oz. Havana Weed Oil Stick Deodorant 2.75oz."

Launched in 1975 and introduced into the USA by Regency Cosmetics in 1976. The scent was based on the majagua tree (incorrectly spelled as "malagua" in the ad copy above). The majagua is an exotic hardwood in the Hibiscus family that is indigenous to Cuba and Jamaica. Grown throughout the tropics as an ornamental shrub or small tree. The combination of the fragrant hibiscus-like flowers which bloom for one day changing from yellow to bright, fiery red, the dense and broad heart shaped spiral growing evergreen leaves, and straight, smooth gray trunk make this very attractive for homeowners who want to beautify their home.

 Havana Weed Oil seems to have been discontinued around 1987.


  1. i had a bottle of it, it smelled awesome! i can't afford it now.

  2. Loved this but also too expensive for me now. I wish the company would consider manufacturing this again

  3. Bought this on a whim at our town's local drug store when it first came out (1976 or '77). I was totally captivated by the name and the advertising blurb on the box. And it smelled great (and the ladies loved it too!). I used it for years until I couldn't find it anymore. I agree with the previous comment--sure wish they would make it again!


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