
Sunday, May 26, 2013

Talking Perfumes with Actress Alice Brady c1919

From Theatre Magazine, Volumes 29-30, 1919:


"We more or less knew that the subject of perfumes was an enthralling one when we wrote the August Vanity Box. But our "assurance" has been made "doubly sure" since then by the letters we have received from women all over the country. "Tell us more about perfumes" they implore. And as the subject is not only enthralling but apparently inexhaustible we are going to take it up from time to time choosing December as a particularly fitting month since perfume makes one of the most delightful Christmas gifts. Ask Miss Alice Brady!

We were interviewing Miss Brady recently when she was in town for a fortnight and by chance asked her what she was giving that was interesting in the way of Christmas presents. 

"Everybody", responded Miss Brady promptly "is going to have perfume from me this year I have so little time between my performances of Forever After and my moving picture work to go shopping feel I can't give a better gift than one of the new imported French perfumes. (At that time we didn't.) Some day before. And anyway. I, Of course you know about them." I depart on tour I'm going to snatch an hour off and buy up the perfume counter of... (Never mind we'll let you in on the secret if you'd really care to know.)

We asked permission to accompany and watch her in operation which was graciously granted. As Miss Brady has made a specialty of perfumes it turned out to be a most informative and fascinating hour. 

First of all you must know that the bottle this season is almost as important as its contents. They have blossomed out riotously these bottles into odd but delectable shapes decorative additions to any dressing table. Some are painted with gay futuristic designs representative of their contents. Thus a slender tubed bottle bearing a rose spray on its bulb contains a precious "Attar of Rose". Or the shape itself may be symbolic of the type of perfume inside and a bottle blown in the outlines of a small sphinx will hold an essence called "Le Reflet" (Reflection) carries the perfume "Voltigy" connoting we suppose that it is wafted to one's. Another in the form of a lovely butterfly senses as lightly and delicately as the volatile flight of a butterfly. 

Miss Brady chose one of each of these with a special person in mind. Miss Vilda Bennet of "Apple Blossoms" we believe was to get the butterfly. Then for a society woman of very exquisite taste she chose "Parfum d'Argeville" a composite flower odor with an adorable little etching in gold on one side of its crystal bottle. For another friend who loves the Riviera and usually spends her springs there "Joie de Nice" smelling of all the fragrant violets of that place. 

For a girl who has just become engaged "Parlez Lui de Moi". And for one who loves the opera "La Bohéme". For a man friend a very special Russian "Eau de Cologne". "Eau de Cologne" being the only perfume permitted to poor dear mere man and that most parsimoniously. 

And the name of the toilet counter where Miss Brady found all these? Write The Vanity Box, Care The Theatre Magazine. 6 East 39 New York and we shall be charmed to tell you:  also the "makes" of the perfume mentioned and several other delicious ones we didn't have room for here.

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