
Monday, July 28, 2014

Onduline Hair Wiring Water by Jean

Permanent wave (curling) fluid.  The paper label has a rooster trademark and reads "Produits de Jean Senegas."

The Winnipeg Tribune, 1911:
"Also "Onduline" Hair Wiring Water. A preparation that produces a quick and lasting wave, curl or crimp that will not be affected by moisture or perspiration. It is perfectly free from grease and gives to the ha if a soft glossy appearance that is the desire of all women. Non injurious. Put up in bottles and in two sizes."

1 comment:

  1. I recently found a bottle at an estate sale with some fluid still in it labeled Onduline by Jean of New York Ny. I have searched and searched and this is the only thing that I can find remotely close to what I have. Mine does have a screw top lid so I’m assuming it is a more modern version. Any info you have on this would be greatly appreciated!


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