
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Coty Culturiste Creations c1930

From 1930, Coty introduces "Culturiste Creations", included the following products: Colcreme, Potonique Toning Lotion, Tissue Cream, Eau De Coty Astringent, Lotion Pour La Peau and Creme De Beaute.

“Culturiste Creations sound the new note in the world of beauty—the quicker, surer way based on supreme modern knowledge of the skin. The great truth back of them is the vitalizing principle. Cleansing and clearing the skin—strengthening muscles and livening circulation so the blood comes dancing to the cells—smoothing and refining the texture—they build or maintain a natural beauty that radiates the freshness of youth.”

Look at the shape of the bottles and the jars. I have seen these jars on ebay from time to time (usually empty).

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