
Sunday, July 20, 2014

Lucille Young Cosmetics

There was a very famous Lucille Young, she was a silent film star from Lyons, France. 1892-August 2, 1934. Whether this Lucille is the same as the one who created the cosmetics company or not, I have no idea.

All products found date circa 1900-1930s, products included: wrinkle treatment, skin cleanser, skin whitener, masque, wrinkle masque, hand beautiful treatment., wrinkle massage, bust massage, figure massage, tissue cream, mascara, nail enamel and possibly more.

From a 1920 Photoplay Magazine advertisement:

“Banish Coarse Pores! My methods have brought beauty to thousands. Let me rid you of coarse pores, wrinkles, blackheads, pimples, freckles and superfluous hair. This portrait is my proof of that my beauty methods accomplish. My heart goes out to every girl and woman who has an ambition to be admired. You owe it to yourself to be attractive, admired and courted and I am proud that it is my privilege to help you. 
I want you to know the methods used by famous actresses, society leaders and movie stars, mail the coupon below. I will send you free, my new work ”Stepping Stones To Beauty”, containing full and complete information of my methods and how to use them, in the privacy of your own home, and with the same wonderful results of which thousands of others have had. This knowledge has cost me years of patient, faithful and scientific research. Send no money, write your name and address plainly and you will receive at once, complete information on the following beauty methods:

  • To Banish/Refine Coarse Pores
  • To Banish Wrinkles
  • To Banish Blackheads, Pimples, Tan, Freckles and Oily Skin
  • To Beautify the Figure, Hands and Arms.
  • To Remove Superfluous Hair
  • To Grow Beautiful Eyebrows and Eyelashes
  • To Clear the Skin of Acne
  • For Beautiful Hair 
Lucille Young, Room 107-1010, Lucille Young Building, Chicago, Ill."

Below are two photos of Lucille Young (the actress, photos from Washington University)

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