
Sunday, July 20, 2014

Marcelle Perfumes & Cosmetics

Marcelle was a line from the CW Beggs & Sons Company from Illinois. The Marcelle line included perfumes, toiletries, hair products and cosmetics in the 1920s-1930s.

Some of the perfumes in the Marcelle line included:
  • 1923 Lilac Vegetale Hair Lotion
  • 1932 Rose
  • 1932 Narcissus
  • 1832 Oriental
  • 1932 Lilac
  • Damascus

There isn't much to be found on this company. I did happen to find a legal document with the following:

"C. W. Beggs Sons & Co., an Illinois corporation with place of business at Chicago, 111., also operated under the trade names Marcelle Cosmetics and Marcelle Hypo-Allergenic Cosmetics, engaged in the sale and distribution of a line of cosmetics under the trade or brand designation "Marcelle" in interstate commerce, in competition with corporations, firms, and individuals likewise engaged, entered into the following agreement to cease and desist from the alleged unfair methods of competition in commerce as set forth therein. C. W. Beggs Sons & Co., whether trading under its own name, as Marcelle Cosmetics, Marcelle Hypo-Allergenic Cosmetics, or by any other designation or style, in connection with the sale and distribution of its commodities in commerce as defined by the Federal Trade Com-mission Act, or the advertising thereof by the means or in the manner above set forth, agreed that it will forthwise cease and desist from representing : That thousands of doctors have prescribed Marcelle Hypo-Allergenic Cosmetics, or that any numbers in excess of the true total thereof have so approved or recommended the same. C. W. Beggs Sons & Co. also agreed that should it ever resume or indulge in any of the aforesaid methods, acts, or practices which It has herein agreed to discontinue, or in the event the Commission should issue its complaint and institute formal proceedings against the respondent as provided herein, this stipulation as to the facts and agreement to cease and desist, if relevant, may be received in such proceedings as evidence of the prior use by the respondent of the methods." .

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