
Sunday, February 8, 2015

Parfumerie T. Jones

Parfumerie Thomas Jones, usually just T. Jones, was an English perfume and cosmetic company established in 1850. The company soon expanded into a department store in Paris. A 1921 advertisement reads: "Department Stores of "Jones" - The Most Important Department of Perfumery in Paris: Visit its departments of: silks, optics, watches, leather goods, travel items, photography, porcelain, crystals, household items, wedding gifts, etc. New departments opening soon."

Thomas Jones is first recorded at 59 Berwick Street, Soho, W1, and then at 17 Frith Street. Soho...He is then recorded at 41 St. James's Street, SW2, where in addition to his 23, Boulevard des Capucines address in Paris, he is listed from 1878 until 1905 as a maker of travelling bags, dressing cases, brushes and perfumery, he also was a dealer in stationery, jewellery and other items. He won three Silver medals for perfumery in 1878 and 1889.
  • 1850 - Established perfumery business at in London
  • 1856 - Opened a branch at 25, rue La Boetie, Paris
  • 1877 - London branch was listed as 18 Golden Square, Soho, W.

In addition to fragrances, he also produced cosmetics and toiletries such as La Juvenile (face powder), Lily Wash (facial astringent), Iatif Cold Cream, Iatif Soap, Elixir Samohti (Mouthwash), Paste Samohti (toothpaste), Fluide Iatif (facial lotion), Jones Toilet Water and more.

T. Jones Perfume list:

  • 1889 Imperial Russe
  • 1889 Victoria
  • 1889 Chypre
  • 1889 Caprice
  • 1889 Muguet
  • 1889 Violets
  • 1889 Jubilee
  • 1889 Something New
  • 1889 Stephanotis
  • 1889 Opoponax
  • 1889 White Heliotrope
  • 1889 Ess-Bouquet
  • 1889 New Mown Hay
  • 1889 Aida
  • 1889 White Rose
  • 1889 Paradis
  • 1889 Royal Ascot
  • 1889 Queen's Violet
  • 1889 Bruyere d'Ecosse
  • 1889 Royal Mimosa
  • 1889 Frangipane
  • 1889 Gardenia
  • 1889 Heliotrope
  • 1889 Ylang Ylang
  • 1889 Parfums de Fleurs
  • 1889 Iris
  • 1889 Rose
  • 1889 Acacia
  • 1889 Musc
  • 1889 Chypre
  • 1889 Ambregris
  • 1889 Violette de Parme
  • 1904 Mon Secret
  • 1904 Le Regent de France
  • 1908 Les Jardins de Versailles
  • 1909 Les Capucines
  • 1911 Veni-Vici
  • 1911 La Fleur Merveilleuse
  • 1912 Gai Paris
  • 1913 10-20 
  • 1914 Thomas Jones
  • 1915 Floramar
  • 1917 Petite Madame
  • 1920 Becker
  • 1920 Cloches Charmeuses
  • 1920 Gai Paris
  • 1920 Jou Jou
  • 1920 Maida
  • 1922 Queen of Violet
  • 1922 Rose Cardinal
  • 1922 Vers l'Amour
  • 1922 Vera Luxe
  • 1924 Jinko
  • 1924 Un Parfum d'Ambre
  • 1930 Avia-Pays d'Or
  • La Garconne
  • Hymne au Soleil

Baccarat created many of T. Jones' flacons namely for the perfumes Becker, Veni-Vici, La Fleur Merveilleuse, Jinko and Le Regent de France

Veni-Vici (I Came, I Conquered) was presented in a flacon by Baccarat, design # 368.

Becker, was presented in a flacon by Baccarat design # 532.

 La Fleur Merveilleuse was presented in a flacon designed by Daillet and made by Baccarat.

Julien Viard designed the bottle for Gai Paris, which featured an image of the Champs-Elysées and the Arc de Triomphe on front and the Moulin Rouge on the back, enhanced with enamel and grey patina, molded labels, gold detail, stopper molded with a Venetian style ball mask, tambourine and ribbons to represent Carnival. This bottle was also used for the perfume 10-20.

Viard also designed the bottle for Cloches Charmeuses, which was in the shape of a large decorative bell, molded with a stylized peacock feather frieze along the top, accented with a applied patina finish imitating the verdigris that would be found on a bronze bell.

"Some Attractive Toilet Specialities. Mr. W. Bonser Hayward has started business on his own account at 17 Lawrence Lane, London, E.C, having secured agencies for T. Jones, Manufacturer of Perfumery, 23 Boulevard des Capucines,Paris, and S. Hornemann (formerly Johann Maria Farina, Gegenuber dem Richartz Platz, Cologne). Mr. Hayward is also an importer of French extracts, Bulgarian otto, and of fancy and dressing combs, samples of which may be seen at his showrooms. The preparations of T. Jones are interesting, and already enjoy distinction among the well-to-do in London and Paris. Fluid Iatif is a cosmetic which soothes the skin and prevents roughness, especially in hot climates. It is used along with La juvenile face-powder. Lait Iatif (Lily Wash) is a similar preparation that contains a cosmetic- powder (three tints). It is quite popular in the West-end. We have also had the opportunity of sampling Mr. Jones's perfumes, of which there is a wide range, the odours being excellent and the styles of packing good. Mr. Hayward invites application for price-lists and quotations in respect to any of the lines he handles."

The Evening World, 1922:
"An Extraordinary Sale Tomorrow of Imported Perfumes, Toilet Waters and Face Powders At prices in many instances One-half Less than regular value. .All highly desirable products from T. JONES, the well-known Parisian perfumer. 
  • Perfumes:  In 2-oz. attractively shaped bottles; some with satin lined boxes. Fragrant Queen of Violet, Jou-Jou, Rose Cardinal, 10-20 and Petite Madame aromas. 
  • Toilet Waters: In 6 and 8-oz., bottles with glass stoppers. Veni-Vici, Petite Madame, Jou-Jou, Maida, and many other desirable odors. $3.75 ($7 to $10 values) $2.95 ($5 to $8 values) 
  • Face Powders: In two special groups. 60C ($1.25 value) $1.25 to $2.25 value)"

American Perfumer & Essential Oil Review, 1927:
"Thomas Jones is never late in creating novelties and his perfumes are always appreciated by a good lot of faithful  customers. They are exhibited in his artistically arranged shop in the Rue de la Boetie. There are some tiny square bottles made up of tinged glass, imitating silver, tortoiseshell, and blue, green red colors. The boxes to contain them are made of galalith of similar or corresponding coloring with a notch to let the neck and stopper pierce out of the box. Other perfumes are offered in very attractive book-shaped boxes."

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