
Welcome to my unique perfume blog! Here, you'll find detailed, encyclopedic entries about perfumes and companies, complete with facts and photos for easy research. This site is not affiliated with any perfume companies; it's a reference source for collectors and enthusiasts who cherish classic fragrances. My goal is to highlight beloved, discontinued classics and show current brand owners the demand for their revival. Your input is invaluable! Please share why you liked a fragrance, describe its scent, the time period you wore it, any memorable occasions, or what it reminded you of. Did a relative wear it, or did you like the bottle design? Your stories might catch the attention of brand representatives. I regularly update posts with new information and corrections. Your contributions help keep my entries accurate and comprehensive. Please comment and share any additional information you have. Together, we can keep the legacy of classic perfumes alive!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Zanol Perfumes and George Lorenz Perfumes

Zanol. The American Products Company of Cincinnati, OH first started using the brand name Zanol around 1907 when it was founded by Albert Mihalovitch, later known as Albert Mills.

The Zanol line gave women the opportunity to be door to door saleswomen for their products, much akin to Avon at the time. Women and men would knock on their neighbor's doors, get their orders then return home, order the products from the company, then when the goods were delivered, the representative would go back and deliver the products to the customers.

The Zanol Company offered perfumes, toiletries for the home, beauty preparations, home remedies, soaps,laundry essentials, Military Foot Powder, concentrated sodas, food, coffee, spices, cleansers, polishes and other household goods.

The Zanol company purchased the rights to perfumer George Lorenz' name and you may find some Zanol products marked with the Lorenz name as well.

Occasionally a sales kit or catalog from Zanol may turn up at auction. Some of the contents might include: samples of products, Catalog, price list & index, Official Order Blank, Letter of Credit to be filled out by the dealer, Illustrated flyer with product check off sheet, and more.

Even though Zanol was a nation-wide business, their products seldom come up for sale.

There may be more, if I left one out, please let me know, thanks!

The perfumes of Zanol:

  • 1917 Parfum Charmal
  • 1917 Narcisse La Bara
  • 1917 Dream Girl
  • 1917 Fleur d'Orient
  • 1917 Fleur de Paradise
  • 1917 Chypre de Paris
  • 1920 Dreams of Delight
  • 1930 Autumn Gold
  • 1930 Flirtation
  • 1930 Floralys
  • 1930 Jasmin Bleu
  • 1930 Mon CÅ“ur
  • 1930 Faith Avery
  • 1930 Youth Triumphant

For further reading on Zanol's products including their famous powder compacts, visit my friend's blog at http://collectingvintagecompacts.blogspot.com/2012/01/zanol-vamp-and-americas-greatest.html

George Lorenz Perfumes

George Lorenz of Toledo, Ohio & New York.

Lorenz Bro. Co, established by the Lorenz brothers in Cincinnati, Ohio in 1883 and continued into the 1900’s; mainly produced drugstore types of fragrances. Later the company was called George Lorenz; had various other names as well.

A 1908 advertisement reads:
"George Lorenz Perfumer to the Particular. Perfumes are the souls of flowers. Women of culture and refinement use a single scent of high degree., its delicate fragrance lending it’s the final touch of charm. The Geroge Lorenz perfumes were awarded the highest honors at five great expositions in this country and France. This is why they appeal to the appreciative everywhere to those who recognize and enjoy distinctive quality."

The perfumes of George Lorenz:

  • 1883 Trelody Pink
  • 1883 Fleur d'Orient
  • 1887 Lady Claire
  • 1887 Lotus Lily
  • 1887 Wild Grape Blossom
  • 1900 Butterfly Orchid
  • 1900 Almondo
  • 1900 Alpine Lilac
  • 1900 Clolo Blossom (First medal won by a foreign perfumer in Paris)
  • 1900 Drooping Zolus
  • 1900 Elite
  • 1900 Angel Flower
  • 1900 Frangipanni
  • 1900 Glory
  • 1900 Grape Blossom
  • 1900 Hexenblume
  • 1900 Honey Blossom
  • 1900 Honeymoon Bouquet
  • 1900 Ideal Violet
  • 1900 Ion
  • 1900 Jockey Club
  • 1900 Lawson Carnation
  • 1900 Le Trèfle Incarnat
  • 1900 Leap Year Bouquet
  • 1900 Lilacs of Old France
  • 1900 Lily of the Lake
  • 1900 Lotus Lily
  • 1900 Luxury
  • 1900 Lily of the Valley
  • 1900 Manxie
  • 1900 Marie Antoinette
  • 1900 Melona
  • 1900 Mentone Hyacinth
  • 1900 Miracle of May
  • 1900 Mountain Mist
  • 1900 New Ideal
  • 1900 New Mown Hay
  • 1900 Ocean Spray
  • 1900 Old English Lavender Water
  • 1900 Orchid Royal
  • 1900 Paphos Bloom
  • 1900 Paradise Pink
  • 1900 Pasadena Honeysuckle
  • 1900 Peau d’Espagne
  • 1900 Porch Honeysuckle
  • 1900 Rajah Musk
  • 1900 Rambler Rose
  • 1900 Rose Royal
  • 1900 Silver Wattle
  • 1900 St. Trelody Pink
  • 1900 Sweet Opoponax
  • 1900 Soleil D'Or
  • 1900 Cresceus
  • 1900 Trévilla
  • 1900 Lily Bells
  • 1900 Triumph Odors
  • 1900 Violet Royal
  • 1900 Winter Roses
  • 1900 Yosemite
  • 1905 Zanol -One of the La Bara product lines for American Products Co
  • 1907 Bridal Bouquet
  • 1907 Cathedral Cologne
  • 1907 Cherokee Rose
  • 1907 Chypre Royal
  • 1907 Crimson Rambler
  • 1907 Cynthina
  • 1907 Delicia
  • 1900 Dermaline of Roses
  • 1907 Dream of Eden
  • 1907 Fairie Queene 8
  • 1909 Azalea
  • 1909 Carnation Pink
  • 1909 Cherry Blossom
  • 1909 Crab Apple Blossom
  • 1909 Heliotrope
  • 1909 Jonquil
  • 1909 Jasmine
  • 1925 Floralys
  • 1927 Charmal
  • 1927 Chypre de Paris
  • 1927 D'Orient
  • 1927 Dream Girl
  • 1927 Fleur de Paradise
  • 1927 La Bara
  • 1927 Mon CÅ“ur
  • 1927 Jasmin Bleu
  • 1930 Angel Flower, relaunched
  • Belles of Cuba
  • Magnolia 
  • Mignonette
  • Moss Rose 
  • Musk
  • Orange Blossom 
  • Patchouly 
  • Pond Lily 
  • Queen of Roses 
  • Rose Geranium
  • Stephanotis 
  • Sweet Briar
  • Sweet Clover o
  • Tea Rose 
  • Trailing Arbutus 
  • Tuberose 
  • Verbena 
  • White Heliotrope 
  • White Lilac 
  • White Rose 
  • Ylang-Ylang 
  • Lorenzo pour Homme 

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