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Friday, July 11, 2014

La Crisantema, SA Fabrica de Perfumes y Aguas de Tocador

El Paso Herald, 1921:

"Holland Workers Get Big Wages; Germany Underselling The U. S.
HOLLAND workmen are wallowing in the wealth of high wages, but the middle class of that country is gradually being forced out of existence by the competition of Germany, who is flooding Holland with goods at much lower prices than those at which the Dutch can sell them. In a letter received by F. W. ten Napel, 3300 Frutas street, from his father, cavalry Maj. John ten Napel, of the Dutch army, this conclusion is drawn from general conditions in the land of queen Wilhelmina.
A sister of the younger Mr. ten Napel, his father wrote, is drawing 2400 florins a year as a school teacher, while a male relative is paid 4200 florins as a school principal. Common laborers receive 20 to 30 florins a week, while an apprentice mason draws 50. Jr. ten Napel explained that while the value of a florin on the New York exchange is only about 32 cents, it has a purchasing power in Holland equivalent to that of a dollar in the United States. The writer added that any family that has more than one member working is able to pay for unbelievable luxuries. 
The younger Mr. ten Napel, associated with J. Molinar y Roy and H. Navarro, recently organized a perfume and toilet wrater factory in Juarez, and said he is buying bottles and labels in Germany because he can get them laid down in Juarez at prices 40 percent cheaper than the American products. As an example, he showed an embossed label, printed in two colors and gold, which were sold to him by a Hamburg firm at $62.50 for 50,000."

Drug and Chemical Markets, Volume 10, 1922:
"In an effort to secure the perfume business of Mexico for a home industry, a factory has been opened at Juarez Mexico by a company known as La Crisantema, SA Fabrica de Perfumes y Aguas de Tocador, under the direction of FW ten Napel J. Molinar y Rey and H Navarro. The business is aimed to drive out foreign perfumes and toilet goods from Northern Mexico."

 El Paso Herald, 1922:
"A perfume factory incorporated for $10,000 has started business. It is owned by F. W. ten Napel, J. Molinar y Hey, and H. Navarro."

Drug and Chemical Markets, Volume 10, 1922:
"NEW PERFUMERY FACTORY IN MEXICO. A factory for the manufacture of perfumes will be in operation in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, in April. The company is known Crisantema, SA Fabrica de Perfumes y Tocador, and was established in October 1921 by FW ten Napel, J Molinar y Rey, and H Navarro. An effort to keep a large sum of money at home that is now going to France, Germany and other Europeans will be made by the new firm. The promoters hope to drive from Northern Mexico all imported perfumes and toilet waters. They have incorporated under the laws of Mexico with capitalization of $10,000." 

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