
Welcome to my unique perfume blog! Here, you'll find detailed, encyclopedic entries about perfumes and companies, complete with facts and photos for easy research. This site is not affiliated with any perfume companies; it's a reference source for collectors and enthusiasts who cherish classic fragrances. My goal is to highlight beloved, discontinued classics and show current brand owners the demand for their revival. Your input is invaluable! Please share why you liked a fragrance, describe its scent, the time period you wore it, any memorable occasions, or what it reminded you of. Did a relative wear it, or did you like the bottle design? Your stories might catch the attention of brand representatives. I regularly update posts with new information and corrections. Your contributions help keep my entries accurate and comprehensive. Please comment and share any additional information you have. Together, we can keep the legacy of classic perfumes alive!

Monday, August 19, 2024

Le Chick Chick by Vigny c1923

The perfume "Le Chick-Chick" by Vigny was launched in 1923, a period marked by a post-World War I atmosphere of liberation and exuberance. The 1920s, often referred to as the Roaring Twenties, was a decade characterized by a break from tradition, where whimsy and modernity began to infiltrate various aspects of culture, including fashion and perfume presentation. This era celebrated newfound freedoms, reflected in the flapper movement, jazz music, and a general sense of hedonism and innovation. Perfume presentations of the time often embraced fanciful and imaginative designs, aligning with the playful and liberated spirit of the age.

The words "chic," "chick," and "chi-chi" each carry distinct connotations yet share a thematic link of elegance and stylishness. "Chic" is a French word that denotes stylishness and sophistication, embodying an effortless elegance. "Chick," in English, is a colloquial term that refers to a young woman and can imply a sense of modernity and trendiness. "Chi-chi" suggests something overly elaborate or showily stylish, often with a touch of pretentiousness. These words collectively evoke images of fashion-forward, stylish, and somewhat playful sophistication.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Justine by Louis Feraud c1965

The launch of Louis FĂ©raud’s Justine perfume in 1965 occurred against a backdrop of cultural fascination with exotic locales and cinematic romance. This period was marked by a growing interest in glamorous and distant settings, driven in part by the success of films that explored such themes. The early 1960s were a time when Hollywood was increasingly captivated by the allure of the exotic, often translating these interests into film and fashion.

The film "Justine," which was based on Lawrence Durrell’s celebrated Alexandria Quartet, exemplifies this trend. Set in pre-World War II Alexandria, Egypt, the film starred Anouk AimĂ©e, Dirk Bogarde, Michael York, and Anna Karina. Its narrative, rich with themes of romance, intrigue, and the mystique of the Middle East, was a perfect reflection of the era's cultural preoccupations. Twentieth Century Fox’s decision to involve Louis FĂ©raud in the film's production, not only to design Anouk AimĂ©e's wardrobe but also to create a perfume, underscored the fusion of film, fashion, and fragrance. FĂ©raud’s couture collection for the film, which embraced an extravagant harem look, further highlighted the period’s fascination with opulent and exotic styles.

The name "Justine" was chosen for the perfume to align with the film’s sophisticated and exotic themes. Derived from the Latin name "Justina," meaning "just" or "fair," "Justine" carries connotations of elegance and virtue. In the context of a perfume, it evokes a sense of classic beauty and refined sophistication, making it an ideal choice for capturing the luxurious essence of both the film and the fragrance.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Claire Burke

Claire Burke had always been drawn to the allure of spicy fragrances, especially those crafted from natural herbs. Her lifelong interest in flowers and herbs began in childhood when she was captivated by the aromatic sachets her mother created, mixing herbs and flowers to scent their home. This early exposure to the world of natural scents left a lasting impression on Claire. Later in life, when she and her husband Fred were living in New York, she sought to recreate the sachets her mother had once made, aiming to infuse their apartment with the same freshness. "My mother used to make potpourris for the linen closets," Claire recalled, explaining how she inherited the practice and then began experimenting with her own ingredients. Her goal was to find a fragrance that captured the spicy notes she loved, something she had never been able to find on the market.

After much experimentation, Claire finally discovered the perfect formula. This success allowed her to keep her own living spaces filled with the scents she adored, but it didn’t stop there. She began packaging the sachets as Christmas gifts for her friends, who were enchanted by the unique and fragrant blends. Word of her creations spread, and soon, people were approaching Claire with requests for more of the aromatic mixtures. The growing demand led Claire and Fred to consider turning her hobby into a business venture. However, realizing that the competition and costs in Manhattan were too high, they decided to relocate to Charlottesville, Virginia, where they could cultivate their business in a more favorable environment.

Determined to turn her passion into a business, Claire Burke founded her company, naming it "Claire Burke Pot Pourri." She operated the fledgling enterprise from her home, where she and her husband, Fred, worked tirelessly to bring her fragrant creations to life. After renting a house on Rugby Place, the couple began mixing the potpourri in their kitchen, using the screened back porch as their packaging area. The work was hands-on and labor-intensive, but their efforts paid off as they soon had enough jars of potpourri to begin selling to retailers. Reflecting on their humble beginnings, Claire recalled, "My husband and I put in an original investment of $100 for the ingredients. We mixed it up in the bathtub and bottled it in apothecary jars."

With their product ready for the market, the Burkes embarked on the next phase of their business journey—selling. They visited local gift shops and specialty stores, bringing with them samples of their potpourri, carefully packaged in apothecary jars topped with corks and tied with green velvet ribbons. The attention to detail and the uniqueness of their product quickly caught the attention of shop owners. "This was in March, 1953, a date we will never forget," Fred Burke recounted. On two consecutive Saturdays—their only free days, as they both had other jobs—the Burkes made 18 sales calls and received 18 orders. This immediate success solidified their venture, marking the official start of their business. From that point forward, Claire Burke Pot Pourri was on its way to becoming a well-known name in the world of home fragrance.

As the demand for Claire Burke Pot Pourri continued to grow, the Burkes found themselves overwhelmed by the influx of orders. Recognizing the need for more space to accommodate their rapidly expanding business, they decided to relocate their operation to a new, larger location. They chose Brookhill on Scottsville Road (Route 20), a classic red brick house steeped in history, built in 1810. The house had once belonged to William Dunkum, a Scotsman who had served as a cabinet maker for Thomas Jefferson. The Burkes were captivated by the property's rich heritage, and they aptly named it the 1740 House, though it was built later.

The property was more than just a charming historical residence; it also included a seven-room guest house located behind the main house. The Burkes saw the potential in this space and converted it into a workshop where they could blend, process, and package their potpourri. The expanded quarters allowed them to keep up with the increasing orders and continue refining their production process. With this move, Claire Burke Pot Pourri was no longer just a small home-based venture but a full-fledged business operating out of a property that symbolized both growth and the blending of tradition with innovation.

Claire Burke soon found herself inundated with requests from customers who wanted more than just traditional potpourri. They began asking for products they could use in their daily lives—potpourri to wash with, home fragrances, and even products for bathing. Responding to these demands, Claire expanded her product line to include an array of innovative offerings. She introduced "Pot Pourri" for scenting linens, "Sopourri," a fine detergent specifically for laundering delicate lingerie, as well as eau de cologne, sachets, fragrance oils, soaps, candles, and scented note paper. She even developed "Vapourri," a room spray that quickly became one of her most popular products. The expansion of her line allowed customers to integrate her signature scents into every aspect of their lives.

The personal connection that Claire's customers felt with her products was evident in the letters she received. "I had all kinds of people writing me letters and asking me things," Claire recalled. These letters often went beyond mere inquiries; people shared their personal stories and how her fragrances impacted their lives. One woman wrote to Claire, explaining that her husband's job required them to live in a house trailer, a situation she found unbearable. However, the woman credited "Vapourri" with making her living conditions more tolerable, saying she couldn't have stayed in the trailer without it.

Claire also shared stories of how her products reached new customers in unexpected ways. In California, a woman who had rented a house found an almost empty jar of potpourri in one of the rooms. Enchanted by the lingering scent, she wrote to Claire using the address on the jar's label, ordering several bottles and inquiring about where she could purchase more locally. Another instance involved a woman in Seattle who had some beads restrung by a jeweler. When the jeweler returned the beads in a Burke sachet box, the woman was so taken with the scent that she became a new customer as well. These stories highlighted the far-reaching influence of Claire Burke's products and the deep connection her customers felt to the scents she created.

To create the distinct and cherished Claire Burke products, a New York importer procured the original ten ingredients that formed the foundation of the brand's potpourri. The process of making the potpourri was a truly global endeavor, with ingredients sourced from various parts of the world. Rosebuds were imported from France, lavender from England, France, and Portugal, cardamom from India, hibiscus from Sudan, anise from China, cinnamon from Ceylon, cloves from the Dutch East Indies, and coriander from Norway. Despite the international nature of most ingredients, the rose petals were initially a local contribution, harvested from Mrs. Burke's own garden. However, by 1960, as the demand for Claire Burke's potpourri grew, the rose petals began to be sourced from France, and much later, in the 1980s, they were imported from Morocco. Other botanical ingredients such as chamomile, angelica, rosemary, and sage were also essential components of the blend, adding to the richness and complexity of the final product.

Once the raw materials arrived in Charlottesville, packed in 150-pound burlap bags, the intricate process of transforming these ingredients into potpourri began. The materials underwent sorting, chopping, cracking, and grinding—all of which took place at the Burkes' Brookhill property. While the bulk of the processing and packaging occurred at Brookhill, the production of certain items required specialized expertise. The Pot Pourri sachets, for instance, were the only products made entirely on-site. Initially, the mixture was blended in an old-fashioned dough tray, but as production scaled up, the process was moved to a large vat measuring eight feet by six feet by two. This ensured consistency and quality in every batch. On the other hand, an Ohio soapmaker was responsible for producing the soap and Sopourri, while a New York chemist crafted the Vapourri room sprays. Each product, though made with the finest ingredients sourced from around the globe, had its own unique production journey, culminating in the finished goods that Claire Burke's customers came to love and rely on.

Claire Burke played an integral role in the design and presentation of her products, ensuring that every detail of the packaging reflected the elegance and quality of the contents. She personally designed the wrappings and packages that housed the Burke products, collaborating closely with Mrs. Kitty Moran Griffin, a talented Charlottesville artist, who brought Claire’s visions to life through her illustrations. The aesthetic appeal of the products was enhanced by carefully chosen details—everything from the ink used for printing the labels to the cord and velvet ribbon used in tying the packages was specially dyed in a distinctive moss green. This attention to detail extended to the scale of production; for instance, the green velvet ribbon was ordered in vast quantities, 10,000 yards at a time, to ensure a consistent, luxurious touch on every package. Additionally, tiny sprays of flowers, used to adorn many of the products, were shipped to Charlottesville in large boxloads, ready to be incorporated into the final presentation.

Claire's dedication to creating beautiful and functional packaging did not go unnoticed. In the 1950s, her designs won national acclaim, competing against major fragrance and cosmetic firms from across the country. In 1954, she received her first award for beauty and serviceability in the National Paper Box Manufacturing Association Competition, a recognition that validated her commitment to excellence. Nearly a decade later, in 1963, she earned another prestigious award for packaging excellence for her Fontana scented soaps. These accolades highlighted her ability to marry aesthetics with practicality, making her products not only visually appealing but also a pleasure to use.

One of Claire Burke's most cherished memories was a statement from one of her important customers, who perfectly encapsulated the ethos of her brand: "To me, your products reflect the care that goes into good living." This sentiment echoed Claire's philosophy that every element of her products, from the ingredients to the packaging, should embody the art of living well, creating an experience that went beyond mere fragrance to touch on the deeper aspects of home and personal care.

By 1960, the Claire Burke company had grown significantly from its humble beginnings. What started as a two-person operation, with Claire and Fred Burke at the helm, had expanded into a thriving business with 10 full-time employees. Additionally, several at-home workers were employed to fill the Sopourri envelopes, contributing to the production process. The company’s reach had also broadened, with Claire Burke Pot Pourri products being sold in more than 3,000 outlets worldwide. The popularity of the brand was not limited to everyday customers; even the Duchess of Windsor placed a personal order. Reflecting on their success, Claire noted, "Throughout the years, we've never had any business refuse us," a testament to the universal appeal and quality of their offerings.

In 1962, further cementing their presence in the market, the Burkes opened the Claire Burke Pot Pourri Shop, strategically located in the Thomas Jefferson Inn on US 29 North. This retail space provided a dedicated venue for customers to experience and purchase Claire Burke's products directly, further enhancing the brand’s accessibility and appeal.

By 1966, the company had expanded its production capabilities even further, venturing into the realm of private label manufacturing. Claire Burke’s expertise in fragrance and packaging was sought after by prestigious retailers such as Neiman Marcus and others, who trusted the brand to create exclusive products under their own labels. This move into private labeling not only demonstrated the versatility and skill of the Claire Burke company but also solidified its reputation as a leading name in the fragrance industry.

After the passing of her husband, Fred Burke, Claire Burke made the difficult decision to sell her thriving business in 1973. The company was acquired by Minnetonka, a Minnesota-based firm known for its own line of personal care products. Despite the change in ownership, Minnetonka recognized the value of Claire Burke’s vision and expertise, retaining her as a consultant. This allowed Claire to continue influencing the direction of the company she had built from the ground up.

Importantly, Minnetonka chose to keep the 1740 House on Route 250 in Charlottesville, Virginia, as the place of operation. This historic property, which had been the heart of Claire Burke Pot Pourri, continued to serve as the center of production and business activities. For Claire, the 1740 House held a deep personal significance, representing both her journey and the legacy of her work. Although she was no longer involved in the day-to-day operations, Claire made occasional visits to the old house, maintaining a connection to the business that had grown out of her passion for fragrance and design.

These visits to the 1740 House allowed Claire to witness firsthand how the business continued to thrive under Minnetonka’s ownership, while also preserving the unique charm and heritage that she had infused into it. The continuity of the business at the 1740 House symbolized the enduring impact of Claire Burke’s contributions, even as it entered a new chapter under different stewardship.

When Minnetonka acquired the Claire Burke company, there was understandable concern among customers and employees alike about potential changes that might be imposed by the much larger corporation. However, Mary Kay Young of Minnetonka quickly reassured everyone that the core values and practices that had made Claire Burke a beloved brand would remain intact. "I think a lot of people were worried that there would be big changes made at Claire Burke when it was purchased because Minnetonka is a much bigger company," Young acknowledged. "But we would not do anything to change the kind of handcraftsmanship here. That's one of the things that has made this business a success."

Young emphasized the importance of maintaining the meticulous, artisanal approach to production that had always been a hallmark of Claire Burke products. This dedication to quality was a key reason for the brand's continued success, and Minnetonka was committed to preserving that tradition.

Another aspect of Claire Burke's legacy that Minnetonka vowed to protect was the secrecy of the potpourri formula. "We have to keep the mixture a secret," said Young, noting the increasing interest in potpourri and the growing number of competitors in the market. "There has been so much publicity on potpourri and how to do potpourri recently that we do this to protect ourselves." The unique blend of ingredients, carefully refined by Claire Burke herself, remained the foundation of the product’s appeal. Young highlighted that it was these "special things, some little things that you don't get in other potpourris," that set Claire Burke apart from other brands. By continuing to use the original formula, Minnetonka ensured that the essence of what made Claire Burke’s potpourri so distinctive and cherished would endure.

Mary Kay Young provided an intimate glimpse into the operations at Claire Burke, highlighting the personal and artisanal approach that set the company apart from larger, more industrialized competitors. Unlike typical manufacturing processes, there was no assembly line at Claire Burke. Instead, the production took place in what was referred to as the "work room," where five or six women would gather around a long table, each with large bowls of potpourri in front of them. These skilled artisans carefully filled glass jars, wicker baskets, and calico bags with the fragrant mixture, a process that required both precision and a delicate touch. The finishing touches were just as thoughtfully executed—velvet bows were tied around the jars, and dried flowers were artfully twisted onto the tops of baskets, adding an extra layer of handcrafted charm to each product.

The work at Claire Burke was not just a job for these women; it was a craft honed over time. Young noted with admiration the longevity of service among the employees, a testament to their dedication and the company’s supportive environment. "One thing that amazes me is the average length of service of the people who work here," Young said. "Some of them have been here since the company first began." This continuity in the workforce ensured that the traditions and techniques that had been established by Claire Burke herself were preserved and passed down.

Young also mentioned key staff members like Mary Smith, who handled accounting and financial matters, and Temple Doinel, who processed orders and controlled inventory. These individuals were not just employees; they were integral to the smooth operation of the business. Their deep knowledge of the company and its processes was so extensive that, as Young put it, "they could practically run the show themselves." This blend of experience, commitment, and a personal touch was what allowed Claire Burke to maintain its unique identity and reputation for quality, even as the company grew under new ownership.

Mary Kay Young emphasized the deeply personal and handcrafted nature of the Claire Burke production process, a legacy established by Claire Burke herself. "You can see that almost all of this is a hand operation from start to finish," Young remarked, highlighting the meticulous attention to detail that defined the company’s operations. This hands-on approach was integral to the brand's identity, reflecting the same commitment to craftsmanship that had earned Claire Burke numerous awards for her packaging designs. In fact, Claire had been known for designing her own packaging and even cutting out the boxes by hand to precisely convey her vision to manufacturers, ensuring that each detail met her high standards.

The potpourri itself was blended by hand in a modest "shack" located behind the 1740 House. This small, unassuming space was where two men carefully mixed the fragrant ingredients, maintaining the artisanal quality that set Claire Burke’s products apart from mass-produced alternatives. The process was a far cry from industrial automation, underscoring the company's dedication to preserving the handcrafted essence of its potpourri.

By 1976, the demand for Claire Burke products had surged significantly. "We expect our sales to be even higher this year," Young stated, reflecting the company’s optimistic outlook. The anticipated increase in sales meant a corresponding rise in production needs. The company projected that they would require 15,000 pounds of potpourri for the remainder of the year. This substantial amount included 15,000 pounds of dried flowers, spices, and rose petals—each ingredient carefully selected and blended by hand to maintain the distinctive quality and appeal of Claire Burke’s potpourri.

In a significant shift for the Claire Burke brand, Minnetonka eventually sold the Claire Burke division to Tsumura International Inc., a Japanese company with its U.S. headquarters located in Secaucus, New Jersey. This transition marked a new chapter for the company, as it came under the management of a global enterprise known for its expertise in the fragrance and personal care industry.

By the 1990s, Claire Burke potpourri had achieved widespread recognition and distribution, appearing in major department stores such as Macy's, Bloomingdale's, J.C. Penney, Leggett's, and Peebles. This expansion into prominent retail locations reflected the brand's growing popularity and its ability to reach a broad audience of consumers.

Claire Burke, the visionary behind the brand, passed away in 1993 at the age of 85. Her death marked the end of an era for the company she had built with such dedication and passion. Despite the changes in ownership and the expansion of the brand, Claire Burke's legacy lived on through the products that continued to embody the craftsmanship and care she had instilled in them from the very beginning.

In 1998, Belae Brands of Phoenix, AZ, bought the assets of Tsumura. Belae Brands then marketed the Claire Burke line.

Claire Burke Scents:


Launched in 1950, the Claire Burke Original Pot Pourri quickly established itself as a quintessential blend of sophistication and subtlety. This signature potpourri features a meticulously curated mixture of flower buds and petals, herbs, and spices, creating a rich and inviting aromatic experience. The blend includes the delicate notes of roses and lily of the valley, complemented by the spicy warmth of carnation and the calming essence of lavender.

The fragrance profile of Claire Burke Original Pot Pourri is further enhanced by the inclusion of earthy, woody undertones, imparted by patchouli and vetiver. These elements add depth and complexity to the potpourri, resulting in a scent that is both warm and evocative. The harmonious combination of these ingredients ensures a balanced and enduring fragrance, making the Original Pot Pourri a timeless choice for adding a touch of elegance to any space.


Launched in 1960, the Fontana fragrance, also known as the "Fountain of Delight," was inspired by the grandeur and allure of Rome. Created by Claire Burke, this scent built upon the foundation of her Original Potpourri, but with a distinctive and enhanced aromatic profile. The base of Fontana retained the warm, inviting blend of vetiver, cedar, cinnamon, oakmoss, star anise, and various spices that characterized the Original Potpourri, offering a rich and complex fragrance experience.

To elevate the scent and impart a more exotic touch, Claire Burke introduced rich, lingering Oriental notes of sandalwood to the Fontana blend. This addition brought a new dimension to the fragrance, incorporating woodsy, mossy tones that deepened its aromatic complexity. The result was a sophisticated and evocative fragrance that captured the essence of the Roman inspiration while maintaining the warm and spicy characteristics that defined Claire Burke's original creations. Fontana’s unique blend of ingredients created a scent that was both timeless and deeply evocative, embodying the luxury and elegance associated with its Roman muse.


Launched in 1960, the Virginiaire scent was a tribute to the charm and elegance of Virginia, evoking the essence of the "Old South." This fragrance was designed to capture the rich floral notes that characterize the region's natural beauty and cultural heritage. Virginiaire blended an array of delicate, floral aromas, reflecting the lush landscapes and genteel ambiance associated with Southern traditions.

The scent embodied the romanticism and sophistication of the Old South, encapsulating the graceful and timeless qualities of Virginia's historical and floral splendor. By incorporating these elements into its composition, Virginiaire offered a fragrant experience that was both evocative and nostalgic, celebrating the region's unique character and enduring charm. The fragrance provided a sensory journey through the Southern landscape, making it a distinguished and memorable addition to Claire Burke's collection.


Launched in 1976, the Claire Burke Herbal scent presented a vibrant and invigorating experience, capturing the essence of a sunlit garden filled with freshly picked herbs. This fragrance was characterized by its light, bright green notes, which conveyed a sense of freshness and natural vitality. The Claire Burke Herbal scent was designed to evoke the crisp, rejuvenating qualities of a well-tended herb garden, offering a refreshing olfactory escape.

The fragrance blended a variety of herbaceous elements, creating a harmonious and uplifting aroma that celebrated the simplicity and purity of garden herbs. Its cool and clean profile made it an ideal choice for those seeking a fragrance that was both invigorating and subtly sophisticated. The Herbal scent’s bright green character and garden-fresh appeal ensured it stood out as a distinctive and rejuvenating addition to Claire Burke's collection.


Launched in 1979, the Earthwood fragrance, created by Claire Burke, was designed to evoke the lush, fragrant ambiance of a vibrant forest. This complex scent blended a variety of elements to capture the essence of a wooded retreat, starting with a subtle interplay between refreshing mint and invigorating citrus. These bright, crisp notes provided an initial burst of freshness, reminiscent of a cool forest breeze.

As the fragrance evolved, it introduced rich, warm Eastern spices such as cinnamon and clove, adding depth and a hint of exotic warmth. The base of Earthwood was anchored by the balsamic depth of fir, evoking the sturdy presence of towering trees and the earthy scent of forest floor. Enhancing this natural richness, the fragrance featured notes of patchouli, which contributed a sophisticated, smoky, and leathery undertone. This combination of ingredients created a well-rounded scent experience, capturing both the invigorating freshness and the deep, comforting warmth of a dense, fragrant forest.

Spicy Rose:

Launched in 1976, Spicy Rose by Claire Burke offered a sophisticated and romantic twist on the traditional rose fragrance. This scent was designed as a classic rose bouquet, capturing the timeless elegance of fresh, blooming roses. The heart of Spicy Rose was a lush, full-bodied rose aroma, celebrated for its rich, floral notes that conveyed a sense of beauty and grace.

What set Spicy Rose apart was its distinctive addition of patchouli and spice, which introduced a warm, exotic dimension to the fragrance. The hint of patchouli added depth and a subtle earthiness, while the spices—likely hints of clove or cinnamon—brought a touch of intrigue and complexity. This combination created a balanced and captivating scent profile, blending the romantic charm of roses with the inviting warmth of spices. The result was a fragrance that was both classic and distinctive, making Spicy Rose a memorable and cherished addition to Claire Burke's collection.

Chateau Rose:

Launched in 1983, Chateau Rose embodied the essence of romance with its endearing and delicately spiced rose scent. This fragrance was crafted to capture the timeless allure of roses, presenting a bouquet that was both elegant and inviting.

At its heart, Chateau Rose featured the classic, sumptuous aroma of roses, known for their rich, floral beauty. The fragrance highlighted the delicate nuances of rose petals, creating a scent that was both soft and captivating. To enhance the romantic quality of the rose, a subtle blend of spices was incorporated, adding a gentle warmth and depth to the fragrance. These spices were carefully chosen to complement the floral notes without overpowering them, ensuring that the rose remained the central focus.

Chateau Rose’s delicate spicing and lush rose aroma made it the epitome of romantic fragrance. It evoked a sense of timeless elegance and grace, making it a memorable choice for those seeking a scent that was both charming and sophisticated. The fragrance captured the essence of romance in its purest form, establishing itself as a cherished addition to Claire Burke’s collection.

Jardin de Lune:

Launched in 1983, Jardin de Lune was a fragrance that remains somewhat enigmatic, as the specific notes are not well-documented. However, the name itself—meaning "Garden of the Moon"—suggests a scent that would evoke the serene and ethereal qualities of a moonlit garden. One might imagine it featuring delicate floral notes, perhaps with a touch of nocturnal sweetness or subtle greenery, capturing the tranquil and mysterious atmosphere of a garden under the moonlight. Despite the lack of detailed information on its composition, Jardin de Lune likely offered a refined and enchanting olfactory experience, consistent with the elegant and sophisticated style of Claire Burke’s fragrances.

Applejack & Peel:

Launched in 1985, Applejack & Peel quickly established itself as a beloved fragrance, capturing the essence of crisp autumn days with its invigorating blend of fresh apple, tangy citrus peels, and spicy cinnamon. The scent was designed to evoke the sensory delights of a brisk fall day, offering a fragrant escape into the heart of the season.

The fragrance featured the refreshing aroma of ripe, juicy apples, which provided a vibrant and crisp opening. This was beautifully complemented by the tangy brightness of citrus peels, adding a zesty and invigorating element that enhanced the overall freshness of the scent. To complete the aromatic profile, spicy cinnamon was introduced, lending a warm, comforting spice that evoked the coziness of fall.

Applejack & Peel became known for its well-balanced composition and enduring appeal. Its blend of fruity freshness and warm spices created a fragrance that was both uplifting and nostalgic, resonating with many as a quintessential fall scent. The combination of these elements made Applejack & Peel not only a popular choice but also a timeless addition to Claire Burke’s fragrance lineup.

Brandied Peach:

Launched in 1986, Brandied Peach featured a richly evocative scent that combined the luscious aroma of ripe peaches with the warm, indulgent notes of brandy. This fragrance captured the essence of succulent peaches, offering a juicy, fruity aroma that was both vibrant and enticing. The brandy element added a sophisticated touch, infusing the scent with a deep, caramelized warmth that complemented the sweetness of the peach. The result was a luxurious and mouthwatering fragrance that evoked a sense of indulgence and elegance, making Brandied Peach a memorable and beloved addition to Claire Burke’s collection.

Cinnamon & Spice:

Launched in 1986, Cinnamon & Spice was a fragrance that embraced the warm, inviting essence of aromatic spices. The scent was defined by its dominant note of rich, fragrant cinnamon, which provided a warm and comforting aroma reminiscent of freshly baked goods and cozy gatherings. Complementing the cinnamon were additional spicy elements, such as clove and nutmeg, which enhanced the fragrance’s depth and complexity. The combination of these spices created a harmonious blend that evoked a sense of warmth and nostalgia, making Cinnamon & Spice a delightful and enduring choice for those seeking a comforting and aromatic experience.

Christmas Memories:

Launched in 1986, Christmas Memories was a fragrance that masterfully captured the essence of the holiday season. This scent featured the rich, invigorating aroma of red hot cinnamon, delivering a spicy and festive warmth that evoked the comfort of holiday baking and seasonal treats. Complementing the cinnamon were smoky notes of clove, adding a deep, aromatic richness that enhanced the fragrance’s overall warmth and complexity.

The fragrance also included a blend of other warm Christmas spices, creating a well-rounded and nostalgic scent profile. This combination of elements made Christmas Memories not only perfect for the holiday season but also one of the most popular and enduring scents in Claire Burke’s collection. Its evocative blend of spices and comforting warmth ensured that it remained a cherished choice for adding festive cheer and capturing the spirit of the holidays year after year.

Citrus & Spice:

Launched in 1986, Citrus & Spice presented a vibrant and invigorating fragrance that expertly balanced zesty citrus with warm, aromatic spices. The scent featured bright, uplifting notes of fresh citrus fruits, such as lemon and orange, which provided a lively and refreshing opening. Complementing this citrus burst were rich, spicy undertones, likely including hints of cinnamon and clove, which added a warm and cozy depth to the fragrance. The harmonious interplay between the tangy citrus and the comforting spices created a dynamic and energizing scent experience, making Citrus & Spice a distinctive and memorable addition to Claire Burke’s collection.

Summer Morning:

Launched in 1987, Summer Morning by Claire Burke was crafted to capture the serene and refreshing essence of an early morning walk following a summer rain. This fragrance was designed to evoke the sensory pleasure of a dewy, sunlit dawn, offering a peaceful and invigorating experience.

The scent featured a delightfully aromatic bouquet of sweet violets, jasmine, and cyclamen. Each of these floral notes contributed to a fresh and uplifting fragrance profile, reminiscent of blooming flowers in a garden kissed by rain. The violets added a delicate sweetness, while jasmine provided a rich, heady floral note, and cyclamen introduced a touch of green freshness.

To enhance this floral blend, Summer Morning was enriched with musk and amber. The musk added a subtle warmth and depth, grounding the fragrance and providing a soft, sensual undertone. Amber contributed a golden, resinous quality that complemented the floral notes and added a hint of sophistication. Together, these elements created a fragrance that was both soothing and invigorating, capturing the essence of a tranquil summer morning with a touch of elegance.

Peaches & Dreams:

Launched in 1987, Peaches & Dreams was a fragrance designed to evoke the lush, sweet essence of a sun-ripened summer peach. This scent captured the juicy, succulent aroma of fresh peaches, creating a vibrant and inviting opening. The fragrance was enriched with the smooth, golden sweetness of honey, adding a layer of indulgent warmth and depth. Complementing these notes were hints of plum, which introduced a subtle tartness and complexity, while gentle spices provided a soft, warming undertone.

The result was a fragrance that balanced richness and sweetness in a way that was both comforting and elegant. Peaches & Dreams combined the freshness of summer fruit with the warmth of honey and spices, creating a scent that was delightful and sophisticated. This harmonious blend made it a memorable and cherished addition to Claire Burke’s collection, capturing the essence of summer in a bottle.

Once Upon A Christmas:

Launched in 1987, Once Upon A Christmas was a fragrance designed to evoke the nostalgic essence of Christmases past. While the specific notes of this scent remain unknown, its intention was to capture the timeless and sentimental atmosphere of the holiday season. The fragrance likely featured a blend of elements that conjured up memories of traditional Christmas celebrations, such as the warm, spicy aromas associated with holiday baking and festive gatherings.

Imagining Once Upon A Christmas, one might envision a scent that combines classic holiday spices, rich and comforting undertones, and a touch of seasonal sweetness. The fragrance would have been crafted to transport the wearer to cherished holiday moments, filled with the warmth and joy of past Christmases. Its nostalgic appeal made it a memorable addition to Claire Burke’s collection, designed to resonate with those seeking to relive the magic of the holiday season.

Oh'Christmas Tree:

Launched in 1988, Oh'Christmas Tree was a fragrance that vividly encapsulated the essence of a freshly cut Christmas tree. This scent was designed to evoke the crisp, invigorating aroma of evergreens, transporting the wearer to a winter wonderland filled with the fresh, clean scent of pine and balsam.

The fragrance prominently featured the green, resinous notes of pine, which provided a bright and refreshing top note reminiscent of a forest. Complementing this were the rich, aromatic qualities of balsam, adding a deeper, woodsy undertone that enhanced the natural, outdoorsy character of the scent. Together, these elements created a fragrance that was both uplifting and nostalgic, capturing the classic holiday spirit associated with Christmas trees.

Oh'Christmas Tree was celebrated for its ability to bring the outdoors inside, making it a popular choice for adding a festive and natural touch to the holiday season. Its blend of pine and balsam made it a quintessential holiday fragrance, evoking memories of the traditional Christmas tree and the joyous atmosphere of the season.


Launched in 1988, Rock-A-Bye was a nursery fragrance designed to create a soft, sweet ambiance perfect for a baby's room. This gentle scent was characterized by its powdery freshness, providing a soothing and comforting aroma that was ideal for nurturing a tranquil environment.

The Rock-A-Bye line extended beyond just the fragrance itself, offering a range of products designed to enhance the nursery experience. This included scented drawer liners that infused clothing and linens with the delicate fragrance, VaPourri spray for quick freshening of the room, and baby hangers that carried the soft scent, ensuring a consistent atmosphere throughout the nursery. Additionally, sachets filled with the same powdery fragrance were available, providing a versatile option for adding a subtle touch of the scent wherever needed.

The Rock-A-Bye fragrance was crafted to be universally appealing, making it suitable for the entire family to enjoy. Its combination of soft, powdery notes created a welcoming and pleasant environment, making Rock-A-Bye a cherished addition to any nursery and a beloved choice for creating a calming and fresh atmosphere.


Launched in 1989, Provence was a fragrance that beautifully captured the essence of the French countryside with its natural and soothing aroma. This scent was defined by a rich, creamy vanilla note that provided a warm, comforting foundation. The vanilla, with its sweet and velvety character, created a sense of warmth and indulgence, reminiscent of homemade treats and cozy moments.

To enhance the vanilla, Provence was infused with a blend of warm spices. These spices—likely including elements such as cinnamon, clove, and perhaps nutmeg—added a layer of complexity and depth to the fragrance. The combination of vanilla and spices created a harmonious and inviting scent profile that evoked the charm and tranquility of the Provence region. The result was a fragrance that was both soothing and sophisticated, making Provence a delightful and enduring addition to Claire Burke’s collection.


Launched in 1989, Wisteria was a fragrance designed to bring the essence of a traditional English garden indoors with its fresh, crisp blend of garden florals. This scent was characterized by its elegant and sophisticated bouquet, capturing the timeless beauty of classic garden flowers.

At the heart of Wisteria was a blend of lush, garden-fresh florals. The fragrance featured the delicate sweetness of rose, adding a layer of romantic sophistication. Jasmine contributed a rich, intoxicating aroma, enhancing the fragrance with its heady and floral notes. Lily of the valley brought a crisp, clean scent that added a refreshing touch and balanced the richness of the other flowers.

The combination of these floral notes created a fragrance that was both vibrant and soothing, evoking the serene and picturesque ambiance of an English garden in full bloom. Wisteria captured the essence of garden elegance and translated it into a refined indoor experience, making it a cherished and evocative addition to Claire Burke’s collection.

The Sea:

Launched in 1990, The Sea was a fragrance designed to evoke the invigorating and clean essence of fresh ocean breezes. Its crisp and refreshing quality captured the essence of a breezy seaside escape, creating a scent that was both revitalizing and soothing. The fragrance was characterized by its ozone notes, which imparted a sense of airy freshness, underscored by rich white florals and a subtle musk.

The Sea featured dewy notes of apricot and pineapple, which introduced a fruity brightness that enhanced the overall freshness of the scent. These lively top notes offered a vibrant and invigorating burst of fruitiness, seamlessly blending with the clean, oceanic character of the fragrance. The inclusion of rich white florals provided depth and sophistication, elevating The Sea beyond a simple floral scent and adding layers of complexity to the olfactory experience.

The combination of oceanic freshness, fruity accents, and luxurious white florals created a fragrance that was both refreshing and elegant. The Sea stood out for its ability to convey the purity and vitality of the ocean while offering a multi-dimensional and memorable scent profile. This unique blend made it a distinctive addition to Claire Burke’s collection, celebrated for its sophisticated yet invigorating qualities.


Launched in 1990, Pomelo was a fragrance that exuded a refreshing and invigorating essence, capturing the lively spirit of a sunlit fruit compote. This scent was designed to evoke the crisp, zesty aroma of fresh citrus fruits, making it a vibrant addition to Claire Burke's collection.

At its core, Pomelo offered a tantalizing blend of sunny citrus fruits, with the distinctive note of pomelo, a large, citrus fruit known for its sweet and slightly tangy aroma. The fragrance was enhanced by the addition of other citrus elements, likely including grapefruit, lemon, and orange, which contributed to its bright and energizing character.

The result was a fragrance that felt both uplifting and refreshing, reminiscent of a freshly squeezed fruit blend. Pomelo’s lively citrus notes were balanced by a subtle sweetness, creating a scent that was both invigorating and pleasantly fruity. This fragrance perfectly captured the essence of a sunny, fruit-filled day, offering a burst of freshness that invigorated the senses and brightened the atmosphere.

Holiday Tapestry:

Launched in 1990, Holiday Tapestry was a fragrance that celebrated the rich and comforting aromas of traditional holiday treats. This scent was crafted to evoke the essence of a festive plum pudding, capturing the essence of holiday indulgence with its warm, spiced notes.

At the heart of Holiday Tapestry was the rich, fruity aroma of plum pudding, which provided a deep and satisfying base note reminiscent of this classic holiday dessert. Complementing this were the warm and spicy notes of clove and cinnamon, which added a layer of festive warmth and depth to the fragrance. These spices are often associated with holiday baking and seasonal festivities, contributing to the overall cozy and inviting character of the scent.

Additionally, the fragrance included bayberry, known for its distinctive, aromatic quality that adds a fresh, green undertone to the blend. Bayberry’s crisp, clean scent enhanced the fragrance's overall richness and provided a balance to the sweeter, spicier notes.

Overall, Holiday Tapestry offered a festive and nostalgic scent experience, capturing the essence of traditional holiday flavors and aromas. Its blend of plum pudding, clove, cinnamon, and bayberry created a warm, inviting atmosphere perfect for celebrating the season.


Launched in 1991, Peony was a fragrance that celebrated the delicate beauty of freshly picked flowers, capturing the essence of Nature's fairest blooms. The scent of peonies, central to this fragrance, is renowned for its lush, fragrant profile. Peonies exude a rich, floral aroma that is both vibrant and sophisticated, offering a complex bouquet of sweet and subtly spicy notes.

The fragrance of peonies is characterized by a lush, creamy sweetness, often described as a blend of rose-like and slightly fruity elements. This scent profile is complemented by a touch of green freshness, reminiscent of the crispness of dewy petals. The overall effect is a luxurious, multi-faceted floral aroma that is both uplifting and elegant.

In Peony, this floral essence is presented with a refined balance, making the fragrance a celebration of spring’s most exquisite blooms. The scent captures the essence of peonies in full bloom, evoking the beauty and grace of a garden awash in the vibrant colors and scents of these cherished flowers.


Launched in 1991, Gingerbread was a fragrance that offered a faithful rendition of the classic holiday treat. This scent captured the heartwarming and spicy essence of freshly baked gingerbread cookies, evoking a sense of cozy, festive nostalgia.

Gingerbread's fragrance was characterized by a rich blend of spicy and sweet notes. It likely featured the warm, aromatic qualities of ginger, cinnamon, and cloves, which are essential to the traditional gingerbread cookie recipe. These spices combined to create a fragrance that was both comforting and invigorating, filling the air with the inviting aroma of holiday baking.

The scent also probably included a hint of vanilla or molasses, adding a touch of sweetness and depth to the fragrance. This blend of spices and sweetness made Gingerbread a perfect choice for creating a festive and cheerful atmosphere, reminiscent of the joy and warmth of the holiday season. The fragrance's faithful recreation of the classic gingerbread aroma made it a beloved addition to Claire Burke’s collection, celebrating the charm and tradition of holiday treats.

Golden Pears:

Launched in 1993, Golden Pears captured the essence of an orchard brimming with fresh, ripe pears. Pears reach their peak ripeness typically in late summer to early fall, when they are at their juiciest and most fragrant. The scent of a perfectly ripe pear is sweet and subtly floral, with a lush, honeyed aroma that evokes the natural sweetness and crisp freshness of the fruit. This fragrance is characterized by a blend of fruity sweetness and a hint of delicate spice, creating an inviting and refreshing scent profile. Golden Pears, with its focus on the rich and succulent scent of ripe pears, offers a delightful olfactory experience that brings the essence of a pear orchard into every encounter.

Ocean Mist:

Launched in 1993, Ocean Mist was a fragrance that evoked the refreshing and invigorating essence of the sea. Central to its composition was calone, a synthetic note that is renowned for its ability to replicate the clean, crisp aroma of ocean breezes. Calone imparts a distinctive marine scent, reminiscent of fresh sea air and saltwater, which enhances the fragrance’s overall sense of freshness.

In addition to calone, Ocean Mist featured a blend of other notes that contributed to its aquatic character. These included subtle hints of citrus and floral elements, which added layers of complexity and depth to the fragrance. The result was a scent that perfectly captured the essence of a seaside escape, offering a clean and airy experience that was both uplifting and soothing.

Ocean Mist's combination of calone and complementary notes created a fragrance that was ideal for those seeking a breath of fresh air and a touch of maritime elegance. Its ability to evoke the natural beauty and serenity of the ocean made it a memorable and refreshing addition to Claire Burke’s collection.

Garden Melody:

Launched in 1993, Garden Melody was a fragrance designed to bring the fresh, blooming essence of a spring garden indoors. This scent aimed to capture the vibrant and rejuvenating qualities of a garden in full bloom, infusing the atmosphere with the uplifting and invigorating aromas of spring.

The fragrance likely featured a blend of floral notes that are emblematic of a flourishing garden. This would include the delicate sweetness of roses, the soft, powdery scent of lilacs, and the crisp, fresh aroma of lily of the valley. These flowers are often associated with the renewal and beauty of spring, contributing to a fragrance that was both fresh and floral.

In addition to these primary floral notes, Garden Melody might have included hints of green stems and leaves, adding a touch of natural greenery and enhancing the authenticity of the garden experience. Subtle undertones of citrus or dewy freshness could also have been present, contributing to the overall light and airy feel of the fragrance.

The result was a scent that captured the essence of a spring garden, creating an uplifting and refreshing atmosphere. Garden Melody offered a delightful way to experience the beauty of the season indoors, making it a cherished addition to Claire Burke’s collection.

Autumn Harvest:

Launched in 1993, Autumn Spice was a fragrance designed to capture the essence of the autumn harvest and festive family time. This scent combined the comforting warmth of the season with the rich, inviting aromas that evoke a sense of seasonal celebration.

Central to Autumn Spice was the rich, earthy note of pumpkin, which embodied the heart of the fall harvest. This base note was complemented by a blend of spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg, and clove, which added a warm, aromatic quality reminiscent of autumn baking and seasonal festivities. These spices created a cozy and inviting atmosphere, perfect for embracing the fall season.

In addition to pumpkin and spices, Autumn Spice included subtle hints of other seasonal elements, like vanilla or caramel, which added a touch of sweetness and balance to the fragrance. Together, these elements created a scent that celebrated the rich, aromatic qualities of autumn and the joy of festive family gatherings.

Overall, Autumn Spice offered a nostalgic and delightful fragrance experience, perfectly capturing the essence of autumn's bounty and the warmth of family time during the fall season.

Wild Berries:

Launched in 1993, Wild Berries captures the vibrant and lush scents of a variety of fresh, wild berries. This fragrance is designed to evoke the essence of a sun-drenched summer day spent amidst a bounty of ripe, juicy fruits.

At the heart of Wild Berries are the bold and enticing aromas of assorted berries, including strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries. Each berry contributes its distinct, sweet, and slightly tart note to the fragrance, creating a rich and multifaceted scent experience. The combination of these berries provides a juicy and refreshing burst of fruitiness that is both invigorating and delightful.

In addition to the primary berry notes, Wild Berries may include subtle hints of green leaves or floral undertones, which enhance the freshness and natural quality of the fragrance. These additional elements contribute to a well-rounded scent that captures the essence of a wild berry harvest in its full, fragrant glory.

Overall, Wild Berries offers a vibrant and uplifting fragrance experience, celebrating the natural sweetness and richness of summer berries. Its blend of various fruit notes creates a scent that is both lively and refreshing, perfect for those who appreciate the pure and fruity aromas of nature.

French Vanilla:

Launched in 1993, French Vanilla was a fragrance that embraced the warm, comforting aroma of classic vanilla with a sophisticated twist. This scent was designed to evoke the rich, creamy essence of high-quality vanilla beans, offering a luxurious and inviting olfactory experience.

The fragrance featured the distinctive, sweet notes of vanilla, which provided a warm and soothing base. French Vanilla was likely enhanced with a blend of additional elements that contributed to its depth and richness. These might have included hints of caramel or buttery tones, which added to the fragrance's creamy and indulgent character.

The result was a scent that was both cozy and elegant, capturing the essence of a premium vanilla experience. French Vanilla offered a sophisticated take on a classic aroma, making it a cherished addition to Claire Burke's collection. Its rich, sweet notes created a comforting atmosphere, evoking the delightful warmth of vanilla in its most refined form.

Woodland Spice:

Launched in 1994, Woodland Spice was a fragrance that perfectly captured the essence of autumn with its rich and inviting scent profile. The fragrance was designed to evoke the cozy, comforting atmosphere of fall, blending a harmonious mix of pumpkin, nutmeg, cinnamon, and mandarin orange.

The scent of pumpkin provided a warm, earthy base, reminiscent of freshly baked pumpkin pies and the essence of fall harvests. Complementing this were the spicy notes of nutmeg and cinnamon, which added a rich, aromatic spiciness that evoked the warmth of autumnal baking and seasonal spices. The mandarin orange brought a bright, citrusy contrast to the blend, infusing the fragrance with a refreshing hint of sweetness that balanced the spicier elements.

Together, these notes created a fragrance that was both comforting and uplifting, evoking the crisp, invigorating feeling of autumn days and the cozy ambiance of autumnal gatherings. Woodland Spice offered a delightful olfactory experience that celebrated the rich and varied scents of the fall season, making it a cherished addition to Claire Burke’s collection.


Launched in 1994, Nutcracker was a fragrance designed to evoke the warmth and richness of the holiday season. Although specific notes for Nutcracker are not detailed, it likely featured a blend of comforting and festive elements. The scent probably included the warm, spicy notes of cinnamon and clove, which are commonly associated with holiday baking and seasonal treats. These would be complemented by sweet, nutty undertones, perhaps including hints of roasted nuts or vanilla, to add depth and richness to the fragrance. The result would have been a scent that captured the cozy, celebratory spirit of the holidays, making it a fitting addition to Claire Burke’s festive collection.

Sleigh Bells:

Launched in 1994, Sleigh Bells was a fragrance designed to evoke the warmth and festivity of the holiday season. This scent featured a delicious blend of orange and amaretto, creating a rich and inviting aroma that perfectly captured the spirit of celebration.

The fragrance’s central note was the zesty and bright aroma of orange, which provided a fresh and citrusy top note that invigorated the senses. This was complemented by the warm, nutty richness of amaretto, an almond-flavored liqueur that added a layer of sweet, aromatic complexity. The combination of these elements created a scent that was both vibrant and comforting, reminiscent of festive holiday treats.

To enhance the holiday experience, Sleigh Bells likely included additional spice notes, such as cinnamon and clove, which contributed to its warm and cozy character. These spices, combined with the orange and amaretto, evoked the feeling of holiday baking and seasonal cheer.

Overall, Sleigh Bells offered a delightful and mouthwatering fragrance that celebrated the joy and warmth of the holiday season. Its blend of citrus and sweet spices made it a memorable addition to Claire Burke's collection, capturing the essence of festive gatherings and holiday cheer.

Blackberry Crisp:

Launched in 1995, Blackberry Crisp was a fragrance that captured the essence of a freshly baked dessert, blending the sweet, tart aroma of ripe blackberries with the comforting warmth of a classic baked treat. This scent was designed to evoke the nostalgic and indulgent experience of enjoying a homemade fruit crisp.

At the heart of Blackberry Crisp was the rich, fruity scent of blackberries, providing a vibrant and tangy sweetness that was both refreshing and appetizing. The fragrance was complemented by the warm, baked notes of a crisp, which likely included hints of buttery pastry, cinnamon, and perhaps a touch of vanilla. These elements combined to create a fragrance that was both sweet and comforting, reminiscent of a cozy kitchen filled with the aroma of a delicious dessert.

The result was a fragrance that felt both inviting and nostalgic, capturing the essence of a beloved seasonal treat. Blackberry Crisp offered a delightful olfactory experience that celebrated the pleasures of homemade baking, making it a memorable and cherished addition to Claire Burke’s collection.

Vanilla Orchids:

Launched in 1995, Vanilla Orchids was a fragrance that blended the creamy richness of vanilla with the delicate, fresh floral notes of magnolia, ylang ylang, and jasmine. This scent was crafted to create a harmonious and luxurious olfactory experience.

At the core of Vanilla Orchids was the warm, comforting aroma of creamy vanilla. This note provided a rich, sweet base that exuded a sense of indulgence and warmth, forming the heart of the fragrance. Vanilla's smooth and creamy quality made it both inviting and soothing.

To balance and enhance the vanilla, Vanilla Orchids incorporated the delicate floral notes of magnolia, ylang ylang, and jasmine. Magnolia added a soft, fresh floral touch with its sweet and slightly fruity scent. Ylang ylang contributed a rich, exotic sweetness and a hint of spiciness, which added depth and complexity to the blend. Jasmine, known for its heady and intoxicating fragrance, provided a lush and sensual floral note that complemented the vanilla beautifully.

Together, these elements created a fragrance that was both elegant and warm, with the creamy richness of vanilla mingling seamlessly with the fresh, floral notes of magnolia, ylang ylang, and jasmine. Vanilla Orchids offered a sophisticated and indulgent scent experience, perfect for those who appreciate the blend of sweet and floral aromas.

Holiday Jubilee:

Launched in 1996, Holiday Jubilee was a fragrance crafted to embody the festive spirit of the holiday season. Although specific notes are not documented, the scent likely evoked the warmth and cheer of holiday celebrations with a blend of traditional seasonal elements.

Holiday Jubilee probably featured a rich mix of festive spices and sweet notes, such as cinnamon, clove, and nutmeg, which are commonly associated with holiday baking and seasonal treats. These spices would have created a warm, inviting aroma reminiscent of holiday gatherings and comforting desserts.

Additionally, the fragrance may have included hints of sweet and fruity notes, such as citrus or berries, to add a festive touch and enhance the overall cheerfulness of the scent. The combination of these elements would have resulted in a fragrance that captured the joy and warmth of the holiday season, making it a delightful and seasonal addition to Claire Burke’s collection. Holiday Jubilee aimed to bring the essence of festive celebrations into the home, creating an atmosphere of holiday cheer and comfort.

 Exotic Garden:

Launched in 1996, Exotic Garden envelops you in the lush, vibrant ambiance of the tropics. This fragrance is a celebration of the rich, diverse floral and green notes that evoke a sense of a flourishing tropical paradise.

At the core of Exotic Garden are tantalizing floral nuances that include the classic scents of rose, jasmine, and lily of the valley. Rose contributes a romantic, velvety depth, while jasmine adds a heady, exotic sweetness. Lily of the valley brings a delicate, fresh floral note that brightens the bouquet. Together, these flowers create a luxurious and captivating fragrance that is both elegant and enchanting.

Complementing the floral notes are dewy, green essences that evoke the feeling of a verdant garden. These green notes add a refreshing, natural quality to the fragrance, enhancing the overall sense of being surrounded by lush, tropical flora.

A subtle fruit base further enriches Exotic Garden, providing a hint of sweetness and depth that rounds out the scent. This fruitiness adds a touch of tropical warmth and complements the floral and green elements, creating a well-balanced and immersive fragrance experience.

Overall, Exotic Garden offers a vivid and alluring scent that transports you to a tropical oasis. Its blend of floral, green, and fruit notes creates a fragrance that is both exotic and refreshing, capturing the essence of a vibrant, tropical paradise.


Launched in 1996, Cornucopia is a fragrance that beautifully captures the essence of the autumn harvest, evoking the rich and bountiful scents of the season. This fragrance is a celebration of the fruits of fall, blending a variety of juicy, fruity notes with a subtle hint of spice to create a warm and inviting aroma.

Central to Cornucopia are the fruity notes that reflect the abundance of the autumn harvest. The fragrance features the sweet and succulent aromas of grape, pear, apple, plum, and peach. Each fruit contributes its own distinct character to the blend: grape adds a lush, sweet depth; pear introduces a crisp, refreshing quality; apple brings a familiar, comforting note; plum offers a rich, slightly tart scent; and peach adds a velvety, juicy warmth.

Complementing the fruity notes is a delicate hint of spice that enhances the overall scent profile. This touch of spice—likely incorporating elements such as cinnamon, nutmeg, or clove—adds warmth and depth to the fragrance, reminiscent of cozy autumnal gatherings and seasonal baking.

Overall, Cornucopia provides a rich, sensory experience that celebrates the essence of fall. Its blend of fruity and spicy notes creates a fragrance that is both inviting and evocative, perfectly capturing the spirit of the autumn harvest and the comforting, festive atmosphere of the season.

Haunted Home:

Launched in 1997, Haunted Home captures the essence of Halloween with a fragrance that melds the comforting warmth of creamy vanilla with a blend of seasonal aromas. This scent is designed to evoke the cozy, festive atmosphere of fall and the playful spirit of Halloween.

At its core, Haunted Home features the rich, creamy scent of vanilla, providing a smooth, sweet foundation that envelops you in a warm, inviting embrace. The vanilla adds a touch of comfort and indulgence, creating a sense of homeliness and seasonal cheer that is central to the fragrance.

Enhancing the vanilla base are the seasonal notes of pumpkin and spices. The pumpkin introduces a rich, earthy aroma that is emblematic of fall and Halloween. It conjures images of freshly baked pumpkin pies and autumnal decorations. Complementing the pumpkin are a blend of spices—likely including cinnamon, nutmeg, and clove—which add a warm, aromatic kick to the fragrance. These spices contribute a festive, spicy edge that harmonizes with the creamy vanilla and pumpkin.

Additional notes of maple sap, caramel, and amber further enrich the fragrance. The maple sap provides a subtle, sweet depth, while the caramel adds a luscious, sugary touch. The amber introduces a warm, resinous quality that enhances the overall scent profile. Together, these elements create a fragrance that is both nostalgic and festive, perfectly capturing the spirit of Halloween with its blend of warm, sweet, and spicy notes. Haunted Home is designed to evoke the cozy, inviting atmosphere of autumn and the playful essence of Halloween, making it a delightful addition to seasonal celebrations.

Citrus Soleil:

Launched in 1997, Citrus Soleil is a fragrance that radiates the essence of a sunlit day with its vibrant and invigorating scent profile. This fragrance is designed to capture the freshness and brightness of citrus fruits, enhanced by a delicate balance of fruity and green floral notes.

At the heart of Citrus Soleil are the fresh, bright citrus notes that provide a sparkling, uplifting quality. These citrus elements—likely including lemon, orange, and grapefruit—create a lively and energizing aroma that immediately captures the essence of a sunny day. The citrus notes are crisp and zesty, evoking feelings of warmth and vitality.

Adding depth to the citrus are the fruity notes that complement and enhance the primary scent. These fruity elements bring a touch of sweetness and complexity, creating a fragrance that is both refreshing and pleasantly layered. The combination of citrus and fruity notes results in a scent that is both bright and subtly sweet.

Further enriching Citrus Soleil are hints of green florals, which introduce a fresh, natural quality to the fragrance. These green florals—such as lily of the valley, jasmine, or a hint of greenery—add a touch of elegance and depth, balancing the vibrant citrus and fruity notes with a soft, aromatic nuance.

Overall, Citrus Soleil is a fragrance that embodies the joy and brightness of a sunny day. Its blend of fresh citrus, fruity accents, and green florals creates a delightful and uplifting scent experience that is perfect for evoking a sense of energy and renewal.

Lavender Breeze:

Launched in 1998, Lavender Breeze is a fragrance that elegantly blends the soothing essence of true lavender with radiant floral nuances, set against a warm and comforting backdrop. This scent is designed to evoke a sense of relaxation and tranquility, combining the calming properties of lavender with an inviting floral depth.

At the heart of Lavender Breeze is the authentic and soothing aroma of lavender. Known for its calming and therapeutic qualities, the lavender in this fragrance provides a fresh, herbaceous scent that is both relaxing and revitalizing. Its presence is dominant yet refined, offering a sense of calm and serenity that is central to the fragrance's character.

Interwoven with the lavender are radiant floral nuances that add a layer of complexity and brightness. These floral notes bring a touch of elegance and sophistication, enhancing the fragrance with their delicate and uplifting qualities. The radiant florals create a harmonious balance with the lavender, contributing to a well-rounded and pleasant aromatic experience.

The fragrance is anchored by a warm, comforting background that provides depth and richness. This base typically includes soft, subtle undertones that complement the lavender and floral notes, adding an element of warmth and coziness. The background notes create a smooth, enveloping effect that enhances the overall soothing quality of the fragrance.

Lavender Breeze is a fragrance that expertly combines the calming essence of true lavender with radiant floral nuances and a warm, comforting background. Its well-balanced composition offers a serene and inviting scent experience, perfect for creating a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere.

Elegant Reflections:

Launched in 1998, Elegant Reflections is a fragrance that masterfully blends fresh and powdery notes with a luxurious floral bouquet, creating a scent that is both sophisticated and inviting. This fragrance captures a refined and elegant essence, characterized by its warm vanilla base, opulent floral notes, and subtle woody undertones.

At the core of Elegant Reflections is a warm, powdery vanilla note. This element provides a creamy, comforting foundation that adds a touch of sweetness and warmth to the fragrance. The vanilla is smooth and enveloping, creating a sense of softness and luxury that forms the heart of the scent.

Interwoven with the vanilla are rich, opulent floral notes. Jasmine, dew rose, and lily each contribute to the fragrance’s floral complexity. Jasmine offers a lush, heady aroma that is both sweet and slightly exotic, while dew rose adds a fresh, dewy quality that enhances the overall bouquet. Lily introduces a delicate, refined floralcy, adding a touch of sophistication to the mix. Together, these florals create a harmonious and elegant floral profile.

Subtle undertones of precious woods complete the fragrance, adding a depth and warmth that balances the sweetness of the vanilla and the richness of the florals. These woody notes—likely including sandalwood or cedar—introduce a grounding element that smooths and enhances the overall scent, providing a refined and lasting finish.

Overall, Elegant Reflections is a fragrance that combines the freshness of powdery vanilla with the richness of opulent florals and the depth of precious woods. Its sophisticated blend creates a scent that is both luxurious and refined, perfect for those seeking an elegant and memorable fragrance experience.

Royal Vanilla:

Launched in 1998, Royal Vanilla is a fragrance that celebrates the rich, natural aroma of pure vanilla while seamlessly blending it with the luxurious nuances of white orchid and warm, toasted hazelnut. This sophisticated scent is designed to evoke a sense of elegance and warmth, creating an olfactory experience that is both comforting and opulent.

At the core of Royal Vanilla is the rich and natural aroma of pure vanilla. This primary note provides a deep, creamy sweetness that forms the heart of the fragrance. The vanilla is authentic and indulgent, offering a smooth, velvety scent that is both inviting and satisfying.

Adding to the complexity of Royal Vanilla are the nuanced notes of white orchid. This floral element introduces a touch of elegance and refinement to the fragrance. The white orchid contributes a delicate, slightly exotic aroma that enhances the vanilla with its subtle, yet sophisticated, floral undertones. This combination creates a harmonious and luxurious bouquet that is both fresh and rich.

Completing the composition are warm, toasted hazelnut notes. These provide a nutty, slightly roasted quality that adds depth and richness to the fragrance. The toasted hazelnut introduces a warm, comforting dimension, which perfectly complements the sweetness of the vanilla and the elegance of the white orchid.

Overall, Royal Vanilla is a fragrance that masterfully combines the rich aroma of pure vanilla with the refined nuances of white orchid and the warm, toasted scent of hazelnut. Its blend of sweet, floral, and nutty notes creates a luxurious and inviting fragrance experience, perfect for those seeking a touch of elegance and warmth in their scent.

Set The Mood Candle Line:

Beginning in 1999, Claire Burke introduced a new candle line called "Set The Mood," designed to evoke specific moods and atmospheres through carefully crafted fragrances. Each candle in the Set The Mood line of aromatherapy candles represented a particular emotional or sensory experience:

  • Peaceful Jade (1999): This candle features the richness of vanilla, rose, and amber. The creamy vanilla combines with the soft floral notes of rose, while the amber adds a warm, resinous depth. Together, these elements create a soothing and serene fragrance, perfect for fostering relaxation and tranquility.
  • Joyful Indigo (1999): A floral bouquet of violet, rose, and jasmine is the hallmark of this candle, accented with hints of fruit. The blend of violet and rose offers a classic floral harmony, enhanced by the sweetness of jasmine and subtle fruity notes, creating a joyful and uplifting scent.
  • Wondrous Ivory (1999): This candle showcases lush, lively tones of tangerine, vanilla, and amaretto. The bright, citrusy scent of tangerine is complemented by the creamy richness of vanilla and the nutty warmth of amaretto, resulting in a vibrant and cheerful fragrance.
  • Festive Claret (1999): The aroma of mulberry characterizes this candle. The rich, fruity scent of mulberries evokes a festive and cozy ambiance, making it ideal for holiday celebrations and gatherings.
  • Magical Red (1999): This blend combines fresh greens with spiced ginger, accented by rose and raspberry. The fresh green notes provide a crisp, invigorating base, while the spiced ginger adds warmth and complexity, enhanced by the floral touch of rose and the fruity sweetness of raspberry.
  • Nostalgic Green (1999): Featuring the scent of evergreens, this candle brings the essence of a lush, pine-filled forest into your space. The crisp, woodsy aroma of evergreens creates a nostalgic and refreshing atmosphere.
  • Rejuvenating (1999): This candle is characterized by vital green herbal notes, prominently featuring aromatic rosemary. The invigorating scent of rosemary brings a sense of renewal and vitality, ideal for refreshing your environment.
  • Tranquil (1999): Eucalyptus defines this candle, offering a clean, crisp scent that promotes a sense of calm and clarity. The cooling, mentholated aroma of eucalyptus is perfect for relaxation and stress relief.
  • Soothing (1999): Lavender is the key note in this candle, delivering a calming and soothing fragrance. The classic scent of lavender is known for its relaxing properties, making it ideal for creating a peaceful atmosphere.
  • Stimulating Lemongrass Mint (1999): This candle provides a crisp blast of lemongrass mingled with minty green notes. The bright, citrusy scent of lemongrass is enhanced by refreshing mint, creating an invigorating and stimulating aroma.
  • Sensual (2000): This candle has a fragrance designed to set a romantic mood with its elegant blend of jasmine and sandalwood. The scent combines the seductive, exotic notes of jasmine with the warm, creamy undertones of sandalwood. Jasmine, with its rich, floral aroma, brings a touch of sensuality and allure, while sandalwood adds depth and sophistication. Together, these notes create a fragrance that evokes intimacy and romance, making Sensual a perfect choice for creating a romantic atmosphere.
  • Peaceful (2000), the Peaceful Amber Rose candle offers a delicate and soothing fragrance blend. It combines the soft sweetness of vanilla with the fresh, fruity notes of dewberry. This base is beautifully complemented by the romantic essence of rose, adding a floral touch. Amber provides a warm, resinous depth, tying the fragrance together with its rich, golden warmth. The result is a sheer, harmonious scent that creates a serene and tranquil atmosphere, perfect for relaxing moments.

Each candle in the Set The Mood line is crafted to evoke a specific feeling or atmosphere, using a blend of scents that capture the essence of the intended mood.

Hazelnut Cappuccino:

Launched in 1999, this scent brings the rich, inviting aroma of freshly brewed cappuccino infused with toasted hazelnuts. The fragrance features the creamy, frothy notes of cappuccino blended with the nutty warmth of hazelnuts, creating a cozy and indulgent experience reminiscent of a favorite coffeehouse treat. The combination of these elements delivers a comforting and energizing aroma perfect for sipping on a crisp autumn morning.

Spiced Orange:

Launched in 1999, a delightful blend of zesty orange and aromatic spices defines this fragrance. The vibrant citrus notes of fresh orange are enhanced by a medley of warming spices, such as cinnamon and clove, creating a scent that is both invigorating and cozy. This fragrance captures the essence of autumn and the holiday season, evoking images of festive gatherings and spiced treats.

Harvest Pumpkin:

Launched in 1999, this scent celebrates the quintessential aroma of autumn with the rich, earthy fragrance of pumpkin. The scent is complemented by subtle hints of spices that evoke the warmth and comfort of freshly baked pumpkin pie. With its inviting and seasonal aroma, Harvest Pumpkin captures the essence of fall harvest and the cozy atmosphere of autumnal festivities.

Fall is in the Air:

Launched in 1999, this fragrance embodies the crisp, refreshing essence of fall. It features a harmonious blend of scents that evoke the feeling of a cool autumn breeze, complemented by the earthy notes of fallen leaves and the warmth of autumnal spices. Fall is in the Air creates a nostalgic and seasonal ambiance, perfect for welcoming the autumn season and celebrating its unique charm.

Autumn Breezes:

Launched in 2000, Autumn Breezes is a fragrance that captures the quintessential essence of fall, evoking the crisp, invigorating atmosphere of the season. The scent opens with a vibrant and fresh note of autumn leaves, bringing to mind the sensation of a cool breeze rustling through a colorful array of fallen foliage. This leafy aroma is complemented by the rich, fruity undertones of the harvest season, including hints of ripe apples and pears that add a touch of sweetness and warmth.

The fragrance is further deepened by a base of woods, which imparts a grounding, earthy quality that enhances the overall richness of the scent. The combination of these elements creates a harmonious blend that reflects the natural beauty of autumn. Autumn Breezes is designed to evoke the crisp, refreshing air of fall and the comforting presence of nature's bounty, making it a perfect choice for creating a cozy and seasonal atmosphere in any setting.

White Gardenia:

Launched in 2000, White Gardenia presents a luxurious and sophisticated fragrance that captures the timeless elegance of gardenia blossoms. This scent is defined by its full-bodied accord of antique gardenia, a rich and opulent note that serves as the fragrance's heart. The gardenia, known for its creamy, velvety petals and intoxicating aroma, forms the central element of this fragrance, offering a classic and enduring floral essence.

Surrounding the gardenia is a rich bouquet of complementary floral notes. The inclusion of orange blossom adds a bright, citrusy nuance, infusing the fragrance with a fresh, sweet touch that enhances its complexity. Creamy jasmine contributes to the fragrance's depth with its rich, velvety aroma, further enriching the overall bouquet.

Together, these elements create a sophisticated and harmonious fragrance profile. White Gardenia is designed to evoke a sense of refined beauty and elegance, capturing the essence of a luxurious floral garden in full bloom. The fragrance is both opulent and inviting, making it a perfect choice for those seeking a classic, floral scent with a touch of sophistication.

Holiday Shimmer:

Launched in 2000, Holiday Shimmer is a festive and enchanting fragrance that beautifully captures the spirit of the holiday season. This scent combines the comforting warmth of vanilla with the rich, nutty essence of hazelnut, creating a delightful and indulgent base. The creamy, sweet aroma of vanilla adds a cozy, inviting quality, while the hazelnut introduces a warm, slightly toasted note that enhances the fragrance's overall depth and richness.

To elevate the festive experience, Holiday Shimmer is highlighted by exotic oriental notes. These elements infuse the fragrance with a touch of exoticism and complexity, introducing hints of spices, resins, and rich, sensual undertones. The oriental notes create a luxurious backdrop that complements the sweetness of vanilla and the warmth of hazelnut, resulting in a fragrance that is both sophisticated and festive.

Overall, Holiday Shimmer offers a beautifully balanced blend of comforting vanilla, rich hazelnut, and exotic oriental nuances. The result is a fragrance that evokes a sense of holiday cheer and celebration, perfect for adding a touch of festive elegance to any occasion.

Gingerbread Creme:

Launched in 2000, Gingerbread Creme is a captivating fragrance that evokes the warm and inviting aroma of freshly baked gingerbread. This scent is a delightful homage to the classic holiday treat, expertly capturing the essence of gingerbread with its rich, spiced notes. The fragrance opens with a blend of aromatic spices, including ginger, cinnamon, and nutmeg, which together create a mouthwatering and nostalgic scent reminiscent of holiday baking.

In addition to the spicy warmth, Gingerbread Creme features a creamy, sweet undertone that enhances the overall experience. This creamy element adds a comforting and indulgent quality to the fragrance, mimicking the rich, buttery texture of freshly baked gingerbread cookies. The scent is balanced with a hint of vanilla and brown sugar, which further enhances the sweetness and depth, making it feel like a cozy, culinary embrace.

Gingerbread Creme offers a beautifully crafted olfactory experience that combines the spiced warmth of gingerbread with creamy, sweet notes. The result is a fragrance that not only captures the essence of a beloved holiday treat but also adds a touch of comforting nostalgia to any setting.

Morning Mist:

Launched in 2000, Morning Mist is a fragrance designed to evoke the fresh and tranquil essence of a crisp, dewy morning. This scent features a delicate blend of floral and green notes that captures the serenity and purity of an early day.

At the heart of Morning Mist are soft floral notes, including gentle hints of lily of the valley and delicate jasmine. These flowers contribute a fresh, airy quality that is reminiscent of a garden bathed in morning dew. The lily of the valley adds a crisp, clean note, while jasmine brings a subtle richness and sophistication to the fragrance.

Complementing the floral elements are fresh green notes, such as the essence of freshly cut grass and dewy leaves. These green accents enhance the overall feeling of freshness and vitality, providing a natural, invigorating backdrop to the fragrance.

Overall, Morning Mist combines the softness of flowers with the freshness of green notes to create a scent that is both refreshing and soothing. The fragrance captures the serene and revitalizing atmosphere of a peaceful morning, making it a perfect choice for starting the day on a positive note.

Wildflower Glen:

Launched in 2000, Wildflower Glen is a fragrance that captures the essence of a blooming meadow, offering a rich, floral experience. This scent is designed to evoke the vibrant and diverse aromas of a wildflower-filled glen, creating a lush, natural ambiance.

The fragrance features a blend of diverse floral notes, including the sweet and delicate aroma of wildflowers, such as daisies and buttercups. These notes contribute a fresh, uplifting quality that is reminiscent of a sunlit field in full bloom. Complementing the wildflower bouquet are hints of lavender, adding a touch of calming, herbaceous sweetness.

In addition to the floral heart, Wildflower Glen includes subtle green notes that enhance the sense of being outdoors. These green accents evoke the natural, earthy aroma of fresh grass and leaves, grounding the fragrance and providing a well-rounded, authentic floral experience.

The overall composition of Wildflower Glen is both invigorating and soothing, capturing the beauty and tranquility of a wildflower meadow. Its combination of floral and green notes creates a scent that is both refreshing and nostalgic, making it a delightful addition to any fragrance collection.

Vanilla Renaissance:

Launched in 2000, Vanilla Renaissance is a fragrance that celebrates the rich and comforting aroma of vanilla in its most luxurious form. This scent expertly blends natural vanilla with the creamy richness of French vanilla to create a sophisticated and indulgent olfactory experience.

The core of Vanilla Renaissance is the deep, warm essence of natural vanilla. This note provides a smooth, sweet foundation that is both inviting and comforting. It evokes the familiar, homey scent of vanilla beans, offering a classic and universally beloved aroma.

Layered over this base is the opulent aroma of French vanilla. This variation of vanilla is known for its rich, creamy quality, which adds a deeper, more velvety texture to the fragrance. French vanilla introduces subtle nuances of caramel and custard, enhancing the overall sweetness and adding a hint of indulgence.

The combination of natural vanilla and French vanilla in Vanilla Renaissance results in a fragrance that is both warm and sophisticated. The scent is sweet and creamy, with a luxurious depth that makes it feel particularly rich and comforting. It captures the essence of vanilla in a refined and elegant way, making it a timeless and appealing choice for those who appreciate classic, gourmand fragrances.

Blushing Rose:

Launched in 2001, Blushing Rose is a fragrance that beautifully captures the essence of a delicate floral bouquet. The scent is anchored by freshly cut tuberose, which lends a rich, creamy, and intoxicating floral note that is both luxurious and inviting. Complementing the tuberose is the soft, airy aroma of baby's breath, which adds a light, ethereal touch to the composition. The combination of these two notes creates a fragrance that is both romantic and refreshing, evoking the sensation of a garden in full bloom. Blushing Rose offers a sophisticated and timeless floral scent that is perfect for creating a graceful and uplifting atmosphere.

Tuscan Harvest:

Launched in 2001, Tuscan Harvest offers a sensory journey to the Italian countryside through its captivating blend of ripe berries and red currants. This fragrance evokes the lush, sun-drenched landscapes of Tuscany, where the rich, juicy sweetness of berries mingles seamlessly with the tartness of red currants. The fruity top notes are beautifully balanced by subtle floral undertones, which add a touch of elegance and complexity to the scent. These floral nuances enhance the overall fragrance, creating a harmonious interplay between the vibrant fruitiness and the delicate, blooming aspects. Tuscan Harvest captures the essence of a bountiful harvest, bringing the charm and warmth of Italy's natural beauty into any space.

Frosted Pear:

Launched in 2002, Frosted Pear captures the essence of a crisp winter morning with its enchanting blend of fresh, juicy pear and cool, frosted nuances. The fragrance opens with the bright, succulent aroma of ripe pears, which brings a sweet and fruity freshness to the forefront. This is seamlessly complemented by the frosted notes, which evoke a sense of icy elegance and winter's chill. The combination of these elements creates a scent that is both invigorating and refreshing, capturing the serene beauty of a pear orchard touched by frost. Frosted Pear is designed to offer a sophisticated and uplifting olfactory experience, perfect for adding a touch of seasonal charm to any environment.

Spiced Berry:

Launched in 2002, Spiced Berry offers a warm, inviting aroma that combines the rich, fruity sweetness of berries with the aromatic complexity of spices. The fragrance begins with a burst of luscious, ripe berries—think of plump raspberries, juicy strawberries, and sweet blueberries—creating a vibrant and fruity top note. This berry-forward opening is beautifully balanced by a blend of spices, such as cinnamon, clove, and a hint of nutmeg, which add warmth and depth to the scent. The result is a fragrance that is both comforting and invigorating, perfect for evoking a cozy, seasonal ambiance. Spiced Berry captures the essence of autumn and the holidays, making it an ideal choice for creating a welcoming atmosphere in any setting.

Candied Apricots:

Launched in 2002, Candied Apricots is a fragrance that exudes a delightful, sweet aroma reminiscent of a gourmet dessert. The scent opens with the juicy, sun-kissed essence of ripe apricots, their natural fruitiness enhanced by a rich, sugary sweetness. This initial fruity burst is beautifully complemented by a drizzle of vanilla sugar, which adds a creamy, indulgent layer to the fragrance, making it reminiscent of a confectionery treat.

As the fragrance develops, a hint of spicy ginger emerges, providing a subtle but distinctive warmth and spice that balances the sweetness. The ginger adds a zesty, aromatic kick that contrasts with the rich vanilla and fruit notes, creating a complex and layered scent experience. Together, these elements combine to create a fragrance that is both inviting and comforting, evoking the cozy, nostalgic atmosphere of a homemade treat. Candied Apricots is perfect for those who enjoy sweet, spicy, and fruity scents that capture the essence of indulgent desserts and warm, welcoming environments.

Winter Crisp:

Launched in 2002, Winter Crisp captures the invigorating essence of the winter season with its refreshing and clean fragrance profile. This scent is characterized by a crisp, cool aroma that evokes the brisk, frosty air of a winter morning. At its core, Winter Crisp features notes of fresh, clean air, which provide an uplifting and revitalizing quality reminiscent of a clear, icy landscape.

Complementing the freshness is a hint of pine, which brings a subtle, woodsy depth to the fragrance, evoking the scent of evergreen trees dusted with snow. This pine note is paired with a delicate touch of citrus, adding a bright, zesty sparkle that enhances the overall crispness of the scent. Together, these elements create a harmonious blend that captures the essence of a serene winter's day, making Winter Crisp a refreshing and seasonal addition to any fragrance collection.

Tropical Seclusion:

Launched in 2003, Tropical Seclusion is a fragrance designed to transport you to a tranquil island retreat. This scent is characterized by its lush, exotic blend of tropical notes that evoke the serenity and beauty of a secluded paradise.

At the heart of Tropical Seclusion is a rich, fruity combination of ripe mango and juicy pineapple. These tropical fruits provide a vibrant and invigorating base, capturing the essence of sun-drenched beaches and lush, verdant landscapes. The mango adds a creamy, sweet depth, while the pineapple introduces a zesty, refreshing twist.

Complementing the fruity notes is a hint of coconut, which imparts a creamy, nutty aroma that enhances the tropical feel. This note evokes the sensation of sipping a coconut drink under the shade of palm trees. Additionally, subtle undertones of vanilla and warm musk are woven throughout, adding a smooth, comforting quality that rounds out the fragrance.

Together, these elements create a scent that is both exotic and soothing, perfect for evoking the essence of a tropical getaway and bringing a touch of paradise into your space.

Sugared Delight:

Launched in 2003, Sugared Delight offers a delectable and indulgent fragrance experience that evokes the comfort of a sweet treat. This scent is a warm, inviting blend that combines rich, dessert-like elements to create a truly delightful aroma.

At the core of Sugared Delight is a sumptuous base of sweetened milk, which provides a creamy, comforting foundation. This note captures the essence of a warm, frothy beverage, bringing a sense of coziness and indulgence. Layered over this base is a generous infusion of rich vanilla, which adds depth and warmth. The vanilla enhances the overall sweetness of the fragrance, creating a soothing, familiar aroma reminiscent of homemade desserts.

Complementing the vanilla is a creamy custard note, which introduces a luscious, velvety texture to the scent. This note adds an extra layer of richness and complexity, reminiscent of classic custard desserts. Finally, the fragrance is rounded out by smooth caramel, which imparts a buttery, sugary sweetness. The caramel adds a hint of indulgence and warmth, creating a scent that is both comforting and luxurious.

Overall, Sugared Delight blends these elements into a harmonious and irresistible fragrance, perfect for creating a warm, inviting atmosphere that feels both indulgent and comforting.

Tranquil Woodlands:

Launched in 2003, Tranquil Woodlands is a fragrance designed to evoke the serene and calming atmosphere of a peaceful forest retreat. This scent captures the essence of nature, offering a soothing and rejuvenating olfactory experience.

At the heart of Tranquil Woodlands is a rich blend of woodsy notes that forms the foundation of the fragrance. These woody accords provide a grounding and earthy aroma, reminiscent of the tranquil depths of a forest. The scent of oak and cedarwood contributes to this impression, adding a robust and natural character that evokes the strength and stability of ancient trees.

Complementing the woodsy base are subtle green notes that enhance the freshness of the fragrance. These green elements evoke the vibrant foliage of a woodland, bringing to mind the invigorating scent of leaves and underbrush. The interplay of these green nuances adds a layer of freshness and vitality to the fragrance, reminiscent of a brisk walk through a forest.

Additionally, Tranquil Woodlands features delicate hints of herbal and mossy undertones. These elements contribute to the fragrance's natural and calming quality, enhancing the overall sense of peace and tranquility. The mossy notes bring a touch of damp earthiness, while the herbal accents provide a gentle, soothing layer.

Together, these components create a fragrance that embodies the serene beauty of a woodland setting, offering a calming and restorative experience that transports you to the heart of nature.

Fresh Cut Spruce:

Launched in 2003, Fresh Cut Spruce captures the invigorating essence of a newly trimmed evergreen. This fragrance is designed to evoke the crisp, refreshing atmosphere of a forest after a fresh snowfall, bringing the outdoors into your space.

At the core of Fresh Cut Spruce is the robust, green scent of spruce. This primary note mimics the aroma of freshly cut branches, offering a vibrant and authentic representation of an evergreen forest. The spruce note is sharp and clean, conveying the invigorating scent of resin and pine needles.

Complementing the spruce are subtle undertones of crisp, cool air, which enhance the freshness of the fragrance. These notes add an element of chilliness, reminiscent of the brisk, invigorating breeze you might experience in a winter forest.

Additionally, Fresh Cut Spruce features hints of earthy moss and wood, which ground the fragrance and add depth. These earthy undertones provide a rich, natural backdrop that balances the sharpness of the spruce, creating a well-rounded and authentic forest scent.

Together, these elements combine to create a fragrance that is both refreshing and grounding, capturing the essence of a pristine, snowy woodland. Fresh Cut Spruce offers a sensory escape to a tranquil forest, making it a perfect choice for those who appreciate the serene beauty of nature.

Fresh Sliced Orange:

Launched in 2003, Fresh Sliced Orange embodies the bright, zesty essence of a freshly cut orange, delivering a burst of citrus freshness. This fragrance is crafted to evoke the lively, tangy aroma of ripe oranges, offering a refreshing sensory experience.

At the heart of Fresh Sliced Orange is the vibrant scent of juicy orange. This primary note captures the essence of a freshly sliced orange, with its sweet and tangy aroma that is both uplifting and invigorating. The scent of the orange is crisp and clean, reminiscent of the first bite into a ripe fruit.

Enhancing the orange is a subtle hint of zest, which adds a touch of brightness and sharpness to the fragrance. This zesty note complements the sweetness of the orange, creating a more complex and layered citrus experience.

Additionally, Fresh Sliced Orange features a delicate undertone of citrus blossom. This floral note softens the boldness of the orange, introducing a gentle, aromatic quality that adds depth to the fragrance. The combination of citrus and floral elements creates a balanced and harmonious scent profile.

Together, these elements come together to produce a fragrance that is both refreshing and invigorating. Fresh Sliced Orange offers a vibrant burst of citrus that captures the essence of a sunny, fresh orange, making it an ideal choice for those seeking a lively and uplifting scent experience.

Vanilla Bliss:

Launched in 2004, Vanilla Bliss is a fragrance that beautifully balances the creamy richness of vanilla with a fresh and invigorating blend of exotic fruits. This scent is designed to evoke a sense of indulgence and delight, combining the comforting warmth of vanilla with the vibrant, fruity notes of tropical fruits.

At the core of Vanilla Bliss is a rich, creamy vanilla that serves as the fragrance's base note. This vanilla is smooth and velvety, providing a comforting and indulgent aroma that envelops you in a warm, sweet embrace. The vanilla note is both classic and luxurious, creating a sense of familiarity and comfort.

Interwoven with the vanilla are bright, exotic fruit notes that introduce a refreshing and lively twist to the fragrance. These fruity elements bring a burst of freshness to Vanilla Bliss, adding a vibrant, tropical dimension that contrasts beautifully with the rich vanilla. The exotic fruits, which may include hints of mango, pineapple, or passionfruit, infuse the fragrance with a juicy, tangy sweetness.

Altogether, the creamy vanilla and exotic fruits create a harmonious blend that is both sweet and uplifting. Vanilla Bliss is designed to offer a sensory escape to a tropical paradise, combining the best of both indulgent vanilla and refreshing fruit notes. This fragrance stands out for its ability to blend comfort with vibrancy, making it a delightful and memorable scent experience.

Pumpkin Strudel:

Launched in 2004, Pumpkin Strudel is a fragrance that masterfully captures the essence of a cozy autumn treat. This scent is a delightful blend that combines the warmth of freshly baked strudel with the rich aroma of pumpkin and the subtle sweetness of fresh pear.

At the heart of Pumpkin Strudel is the comforting scent of warm, flaky strudel. This base note evokes the inviting aroma of a freshly baked pastry, with its buttery, golden crust and a hint of spice that suggests a hint of cinnamon or nutmeg. The strudel's warmth and flaky texture provide a sense of homey comfort, creating a welcoming and delicious atmosphere.

Complementing the strudel are the rich, savory notes of pumpkin. This element introduces a hearty, earthy aroma that is quintessentially associated with fall. The pumpkin adds a creamy, slightly sweet quality to the fragrance, enhancing the overall depth and richness of the scent.

A touch of fresh pear adds a bright, fruity twist to Pumpkin Strudel. The pear's juicy, crisp aroma provides a refreshing contrast to the deeper, more robust notes of pumpkin and strudel. This hint of fruitiness lightens the fragrance and adds a subtle layer of sweetness.

As a whole, these elements create a fragrance that is both warm and inviting, capturing the essence of a traditional autumnal treat. Pumpkin Strudel evokes the comforting aroma of a homemade dessert, making it a perfect scent for cozying up during the fall season. The blend of warm strudel, savory pumpkin, and fresh pear results in a fragrance that is both deliciously nostalgic and pleasantly aromatic.

Sheer Vanilla:

Launched in 2005, Sheer Vanilla is a fragrance that combines an airy, delicate balance of white florals with deeper, sensual notes to create a sophisticated and elegant scent profile.

At the heart of Sheer Vanilla is a refined accord of white florals. This note brings a soft, ethereal quality to the fragrance, with the delicate aromas of jasmine, lily of the valley, and white roses. These florals contribute a light and fresh character, enhancing the fragrance's overall sense of purity and grace.

The fragrance is anchored by a rich base of amber, which imparts a warm, golden glow to the composition. Amber adds a deep, resinous sweetness that blends seamlessly with the lighter floral notes, providing a luxurious and comforting foundation.

Musk further complements this blend by adding a soft, sensual quality. Its subtle, creamy texture enhances the overall smoothness of the fragrance, contributing a touch of warmth and depth. Patchouli introduces a nuanced, earthy element to Sheer Vanilla. This note adds a hint of complexity and sophistication, grounding the fragrance and balancing the sweetness of the vanilla and florals.

Together, these elements create a fragrance that is both airy and substantial. Sheer Vanilla offers a refined olfactory experience, with its blend of white florals, amber, musk, and patchouli evoking a sense of understated elegance and timeless allure.

Simply Jasmine:

Launched in 2005, Simply Jasmine is a fragrance that celebrates the lush, multifaceted essence of jasmine while incorporating complementary notes to enhance its complexity and depth.

At the core of Simply Jasmine is the vibrant and lush sweetness of jasmine. This central note brings a rich, floral aroma that is both intoxicating and elegant. The jasmine in this fragrance is highlighted by its verdant freshness, capturing the essence of blooming jasmine flowers in their prime.

Adding to the fragrance's complexity are green leafy notes, which infuse Simply Jasmine with a natural, crisp quality. These notes evoke the sensation of a garden in full bloom, where the freshness of the greenery enhances the overall floral richness of the jasmine. The fragrance is further enriched by delicate musk, which introduces a soft, sensual undertone. The musk adds a subtle warmth and creaminess, balancing the bright floral and green elements with its smooth, nuanced character.

Peach contributes a fruity, slightly tangy sweetness that complements the jasmine and green notes. This addition provides a playful, refreshing aspect to the fragrance, adding a touch of brightness and zest. Lily adds a delicate floral nuance, enhancing the overall complexity and elegance of the fragrance. Its soft, sweet scent blends seamlessly with the jasmine and peach, rounding out the composition with a refined, airy quality.

Together, these notes create a fragrance that is both fresh and sophisticated. Simply Jasmine captures the lush sweetness and verdant freshness of jasmine while incorporating complementary elements that enhance its complexity and allure. The result is a fragrance that is elegant, vibrant, and delightfully multi-dimensional.

Citrus Blush:

Launched in 2005, Citrus Blush is a vibrant fragrance that captures the essence of a sunlit citrus grove. This scent is designed to evoke the refreshing and invigorating qualities of fresh citrus fruits, creating a lively and uplifting olfactory experience.

At the heart of Citrus Blush is the bright and zesty aroma of pink grapefruit. This note provides a bold, tangy character that serves as the fragrance's primary citrus element. The grapefruit's vibrant, slightly bitter sweetness sets a lively tone and creates a refreshing burst of energy.

Enhancing the grapefruit are juicy notes of mandarin and tangerine. These fruits contribute their own unique qualities to the fragrance, adding layers of sweetness and complexity. The mandarin's bright, sweet aroma complements the grapefruit with its cheerful and juicy profile, while the tangerine introduces a slightly tart, citrusy nuance that adds depth and dimension.

Papaya adds a tropical twist to Citrus Blush, infusing the fragrance with its rich, fruity scent. The papaya's warm, sweet aroma provides a lush, exotic touch that balances the citrus notes and adds a layer of depth to the composition.

Together, these elements create a fragrance that is both refreshing and invigorating. Citrus Blush captures the essence of a sunlit grove with its blend of pink grapefruit, mandarin, tangerine, and papaya, offering a vibrant and uplifting scent experience. The fragrance's bright, juicy notes make it a perfect choice for those seeking a lively and cheerful scent that brings a touch of sunshine into their day.

Blackberry Cassis:

Launched in 2006, Blackberry Cassis is a fragrance that artfully blends the allure of ripe, sparkling berries with the richness of woodsy greens and the warmth of red amber. This scent is designed to evoke a sense of sophistication and depth, offering a multi-layered olfactory experience.

At the forefront of Blackberry Cassis is the vibrant, juicy aroma of sparkling berries. This note captures the essence of fresh, ripe blackberries, delivering a burst of fruity sweetness that is both lively and refreshing. The berry notes are enhanced by a touch of effervescence, adding a sparkling quality that gives the fragrance a sense of brightness and energy.

Interwoven with the berries are woodsy greens, which introduce a natural, earthy element to the composition. The green notes evoke the crisp, fresh scent of a forest, providing a grounding contrast to the sweetness of the berries. This woody facet adds depth and complexity to the fragrance, creating a balanced interplay between fruity and earthy tones.

Completing the scent is the warmth of red amber. This note adds a rich, resinous quality that envelops the fragrance in a subtle, golden warmth. The amber's smooth, sweet richness provides a luxurious finish, enhancing the overall complexity of Blackberry Cassis and adding a layer of sophistication.

Altogether, these elements create a fragrance that is both invigorating and comforting. Blackberry Cassis combines the bright, juicy aroma of sparkling berries with the earthy depth of woodsy greens and the warm richness of red amber, offering a scent that is both dynamic and elegant. The fragrance's blend of fruity, woody, and amber notes makes it a versatile choice for those seeking a fragrance with a distinctive, multi-dimensional character.

Caramel Velvet Creme:

Launched in 2005, Caramel Velvet Creme is a rich and indulgent fragrance that captures the essence of creamy caramel and luxurious vanilla. This scent is designed to evoke a sense of warmth and opulence, with its deep, sweet notes creating a comforting and inviting atmosphere.

At the heart of Caramel Velvet Creme is the luscious aroma of caramel. This note delivers a rich, buttery sweetness that is both decadent and satisfying. The caramel is smooth and creamy, offering a gourmand quality that makes the fragrance feel like a treat for the senses. Its warm, golden tones evoke the comforting scent of caramelized sugar, adding a touch of indulgence to the composition.

Complementing the caramel is a creamy vanilla note. This vanilla is soft and velvety, enhancing the overall sweetness of the fragrance with its rich, warm aroma. The vanilla adds a layer of smoothness to the scent, blending seamlessly with the caramel to create a harmonious and well-rounded fragrance experience.

Together with the caramel and vanilla, there are subtle hints of creaminess that contribute to the overall luxurious feel of Caramel Velvet Creme. These creamy undertones add depth and richness, further enhancing the scent's opulent character.

Overall, Caramel Velvet Creme is a fragrance that combines the sweet, buttery aroma of caramel with the warm, creamy richness of vanilla. The result is a scent that is both indulgent and comforting, making it an ideal choice for those who enjoy a fragrance with a sumptuous, gourmet quality. The blend of caramel and vanilla creates a cozy and inviting atmosphere, perfect for adding a touch of warmth and luxury to any setting.

Mocha Silk:

Launched in 2005, Mocha Silk is a sophisticated fragrance that combines the rich, indulgent aromas of cocoa and espresso with subtle hints of caramel and vanilla crème. This scent is designed to evoke a luxurious, café-inspired experience, perfect for those who appreciate a blend of deep, comforting notes.

At the core of Mocha Silk is the robust aroma of cocoa. This note offers a rich, velvety chocolate scent that is both warm and inviting. The cocoa provides a deep, satisfying base that evokes the decadence of high-quality chocolate, creating a sense of opulence and indulgence.

Complementing the cocoa is the smoky essence of espresso. This note adds a layer of complexity to the fragrance with its rich, roasted aroma. The espresso brings a hint of bitterness that balances the sweetness of the cocoa, contributing to the fragrance's depth and richness. Its smoky quality adds an intriguing edge, reminiscent of freshly brewed coffee.

The scent is further enhanced by subtle hints of caramel. The caramel adds a touch of sweetness and warmth, blending seamlessly with the cocoa and espresso. Its buttery, golden aroma provides a delightful contrast to the more intense notes, enriching the overall fragrance with a creamy, indulgent quality.

Additionally, Mocha Silk features notes of vanilla crème, which introduce a soft, smooth layer to the scent. The vanilla crème adds a sweet, creamy finish that complements the richness of the cocoa and espresso, creating a harmonious and well-rounded fragrance.

Together, Mocha Silk is a fragrance that combines the rich, deep notes of cocoa and espresso with the sweet, creamy accents of caramel and vanilla crème. The result is a luxurious and inviting scent that captures the essence of a sophisticated coffeehouse experience. The blend of these elements creates a warm and indulgent atmosphere, perfect for those who enjoy a fragrance with a gourmet and comforting quality.

White Lavender:

Launched in 2007, White Lavender is a fragrance that artfully combines the soothing scent of lavender with the invigorating freshness of lemon. This scent is designed to create a serene and revitalizing atmosphere, making it perfect for moments of relaxation and rejuvenation.

At the heart of White Lavender is the calming aroma of lavender. Known for its relaxing properties, lavender imparts a gentle, floral fragrance that soothes the senses and promotes a sense of tranquility. The lavender note in White Lavender is crisp and clean, with a subtle herbaceous quality that enhances its calming effect.

Enhancing the lavender is the bright, zesty note of lemon. This citrus element adds a refreshing twist to the fragrance, infusing it with a burst of vibrant energy. The lemon note introduces a lively, tangy scent that contrasts beautifully with the soothing lavender, creating a dynamic balance between relaxation and invigoration.

The combination of lavender and lemon in White Lavender results in a fragrance that is both calming and refreshing. The lavender provides a foundation of serenity, while the lemon adds a spark of brightness, making the scent perfect for creating a fresh and uplifting environment. This blend is ideal for those seeking a fragrance that promotes relaxation while also offering a rejuvenating, citrus-infused touch.

Wild Cotton:

Launched in 2010, Wild Cotton is a fragrance that captures the essence of freshness and purity with a delicate blend of clean cotton, spring lilies, and a hint of vanilla. This scent is designed to evoke the serene and crisp ambiance of freshly laundered linens on a breezy spring day.

At the core of Wild Cotton is the clean, airy aroma of cotton. This note imparts a sense of freshness and simplicity, reminiscent of newly washed linens drying in the open air. The cotton note is light and soothing, providing a clean canvas that highlights the purity of the fragrance.

Complementing the cotton is the delicate scent of spring lilies. These lilies add a touch of floral elegance, bringing a gentle and sophisticated aroma that enhances the overall freshness of the fragrance. The lily note introduces a subtle, sweet floral character, evoking the beauty and renewal of springtime blooms.

A hint of vanilla rounds out the fragrance, adding a warm and comforting undertone. The vanilla note infuses Wild Cotton with a soft, creamy sweetness that balances the fresh and floral elements. This touch of vanilla adds depth and a cozy, inviting quality to the scent.

Overall, Wild Cotton is a fragrance that blends the crispness of clean cotton with the delicate beauty of spring lilies and a touch of vanilla. The result is a fresh, uplifting scent that evokes the simplicity and purity of a spring day, making it perfect for those who appreciate a clean and elegant fragrance.

Cherry O!:

Launched in 2010, Cherry O! is a playful and vibrant fragrance that captures the irresistible scent of ripe, juicy cherries. This scent is a celebration of the sweet, tart, and slightly tangy aroma of cherries, evoking the carefree spirit of summer and the simple pleasures of freshly picked fruit.

At the heart of Cherry O! is the unmistakable fragrance of cherries in their prime—luscious, bright, and bursting with flavor. This note brings forth the natural sweetness of cherries, with a hint of tartness that adds depth and complexity. The scent is rich and full-bodied, evoking the sensation of biting into a perfectly ripe cherry, with its juicy flesh and slightly tart skin.

The fragrance also carries subtle nuances of cherry blossoms, which add a delicate floral undertone to the scent. This floral aspect enhances the natural sweetness of the cherries, providing a soft, romantic layer that complements the fruitiness without overpowering it. The combination of the fruit and floral notes creates a well-rounded and harmonious fragrance.

Cherry O! is a scent that radiates joy and energy. It’s a fragrance that invites you to indulge in the simple pleasure of enjoying fresh cherries, capturing the essence of summer’s sweetness in a way that is both delightful and refreshing. Whether worn as a personal fragrance or used to scent a space, Cherry O! brings a burst of fruity cheer that’s impossible to resist.

O'Christmas Tree:

Launched in 2010, O Christmas Tree is a festive fragrance that embodies the timeless and comforting scent of a freshly decorated Christmas tree. This scent is a celebration of the holiday season, designed to evoke the warmth, joy, and nostalgia associated with Christmas.

At the core of O Christmas Tree are notes of fresh pine and evergreen, capturing the essence of a real Christmas tree. The fragrance opens with the crisp, invigorating scent of pine needles, reminiscent of walking through a winter forest filled with snow-covered trees. This green, earthy aroma instantly brings to mind the natural beauty of the season, with its cool, clean scent that is both refreshing and grounding.

Complementing the pine are additional notes of fir balsam and cedarwood, which add depth and richness to the fragrance. The fir balsam provides a slightly sweet, resinous quality that enhances the overall warmth of the scent, while cedarwood introduces a subtle woody undertone that adds a touch of sophistication and stability. Together, these elements create a well-rounded and authentic representation of a Christmas tree, with layers of green, woody, and slightly sweet notes that blend seamlessly.

O Christmas Tree is more than just a scent—it's an experience that transports you to the heart of the holiday season. The fragrance evokes memories of decorating the tree, hanging ornaments, and the cozy gatherings that take place around it. Whether used to scent a home during the holidays or as a personal fragrance, O Christmas Tree brings the magic and tradition of Christmas into every moment, making it a perfect companion for the festive season.

Tropical Flowers:

Launched in 2010, Tropical Flowers is a fragrance that captures the essence of a lush, exotic paradise through its delicate and intoxicating floral notes. This scent brings to life the breezy and vibrant atmosphere of a tropical island, where the air is filled with the rich aroma of blooming flowers and the warmth of the sun.

At the heart of Tropical Flowers is the elegant and timeless scent of white gardenia. The gardenia's fragrance is renowned for its creamy, velvety richness, which imparts a sense of luxury and sophistication. This note is both sweet and slightly heady, evoking the image of large, pure white petals glistening in the sunlight. The gardenia’s lush, full-bodied aroma is the cornerstone of this fragrance, providing a floral depth that is both captivating and soothing.

Complementing the gardenia is the exotic scent of island orchids. Orchids are known for their delicate and complex fragrance, which is often described as both floral and slightly fruity with a hint of spice. In Tropical Flowers, the orchid note adds a touch of mystery and allure, enhancing the tropical theme with its subtle yet enchanting presence. The combination of these two flowers creates a harmonious blend that is both vibrant and calming, transporting you to a serene island oasis where nature’s beauty reigns supreme.

Together, the white gardenia and island orchids in Tropical Flowers create a fragrance that is both fresh and elegant, embodying the spirit of a tropical getaway. This scent is perfect for those who wish to carry the serene and luxurious feel of a tropical paradise with them, whether to evoke memories of a distant island or to simply bring a touch of exotic beauty into their everyday life.

Slice of Spice:

Launched in 2010, Slice of Spice is a fragrance that captures the comforting and delectable essence of autumn through a blend of warm, spicy, and sweet notes. This scent evokes the cozy and inviting atmosphere of a kitchen filled with the rich aromas of seasonal baking, making it an ideal fragrance for those who love the indulgent scents of fall.

At its core, Slice of Spice features the fresh and earthy aroma of pumpkin, a quintessential fall ingredient that brings a warm, grounded note to the fragrance. The pumpkin's natural sweetness is enhanced by subtle hints of allspice, which add a spicy warmth that deepens the overall scent profile. The allspice introduces a complex, peppery element that complements the richness of the pumpkin, creating a harmonious blend that is both comforting and invigorating.

Adding a touch of unexpected depth is a hint of rum, which gives the fragrance a woody, slightly boozy bite. This note adds a layer of complexity, balancing the sweetness of the pumpkin and spices with a subtle, smoky warmth that lingers in the background. The rum note enhances the overall richness of the scent, making it feel more luxurious and indulgent.

To complete this mouthwatering fragrance, Slice of Spice is topped off with the delicious scent of maple syrup and cream cheese frosting. The maple syrup brings a sweet, caramel-like richness that pairs beautifully with the spicy and woody notes, while the cream cheese frosting adds a creamy, tangy sweetness that is both decadent and irresistible. This combination of sweet and savory elements creates a fragrance that is not only warm and comforting but also tantalizingly delicious.

Overall, Slice of Spice is a fragrance that perfectly captures the essence of autumn, with its blend of fresh pumpkin, spicy allspice, rich rum, and sweet maple syrup and cream cheese frosting. This scent is ideal for those who want to bring the cozy, indulgent atmosphere of fall into their home or personal space, making it a delightful addition to any autumn-inspired collection.

Vanilla Bean:

Launched in 2010, Vanilla Bean is a fragrance that envelops you in the rich and indulgent aroma of classic vanilla, elevated by a medley of sweet and creamy notes. Designed to evoke the comforting and nostalgic scents of beloved desserts, Vanilla Bean is a treat for the senses, offering a warm and decadent experience that lingers long after it’s been enjoyed.

At the heart of this fragrance is the luxurious scent of vanilla buttercream frosting. This note is rich and creamy, reminiscent of freshly whipped frosting on a homemade cake. The vanilla buttercream brings a sweet, smooth quality to the fragrance, creating an immediate sense of comfort and indulgence. Its aroma is both familiar and irresistible, capturing the essence of a kitchen filled with the scent of freshly baked goods.

Adding to the richness of Vanilla Bean is the sweet and gooey scent of caramel marshmallow fluff. This note introduces a layer of sticky sweetness that enhances the overall dessert-like quality of the fragrance. The caramel provides a deep, sugary warmth that pairs beautifully with the vanilla buttercream, while the marshmallow fluff adds a light, airy sweetness that softens the richness, creating a perfectly balanced scent.

The fragrance is further enriched by the inclusion of tonka bean, a note known for its warm, nutty, and slightly spicy aroma. The tonka bean adds depth and complexity to the fragrance, with its hints of cinnamon, almond, and vanilla intertwining to create a nuanced and sophisticated scent profile. This note enhances the creamy and sweet elements of the fragrance while adding a subtle, earthy undertone that grounds the overall scent.

Finally, the fragrance is rounded out with a touch of musk. The musk adds a soft, sensual warmth that lingers on the skin, providing a lasting, comforting finish to the fragrance. It blends seamlessly with the sweet and creamy notes, adding an element of sophistication and elegance to what might otherwise be a purely gourmand scent.

Vanilla Bean is a rich and decadent fragrance that captures the essence of vanilla in its most indulgent form. With its blend of vanilla buttercream frosting, caramel marshmallow fluff, tonka bean, and musk, it offers a multi-layered olfactory experience that is both comforting and luxurious. This scent is perfect for those who love the warmth and sweetness of vanilla, with a twist of sophistication and depth that makes it truly unique.

Fresh Royal Fir:

Launched in 2017, Fresh Royal Fir captures the essence of a serene winter forest, evoking the cool, crisp air and the natural beauty of evergreens. This fragrance is a harmonious blend of fir needles, pinecones, balsam fir, cedarwood, and sandalwood, creating a scent that transports you to a peaceful woodland, surrounded by the quiet strength and timelessness of nature.

At the forefront of Fresh Royal Fir is the invigorating scent of fir needles. This note is cool and crisp, reminiscent of freshly cut fir trees and the unmistakable aroma that fills the air during the holiday season. The fir needles bring a refreshing, green quality to the fragrance, embodying the purity and vitality of the forest. This sharp, invigorating scent immediately awakens the senses, offering a clean and energizing olfactory experience.

Complementing the fir needles is the rich, earthy aroma of pinecones scattered on the forest floor. The pinecones introduce a subtle woody note that grounds the fragrance, adding depth and warmth. This element enhances the natural, outdoorsy feel of the scent, evoking images of a quiet walk through a forest, with the ground softly crunching underfoot.

The aromatic snap of balsam fir adds another layer of freshness to the fragrance. Balsam fir is known for its sweet, resinous scent, which brings a sense of warmth and comfort to the blend. This note perfectly balances the crispness of the fir needles, softening the overall fragrance with its rich, comforting aroma.

The base of Fresh Royal Fir is anchored by cedarwood and sandalwood, two woods known for their deep, earthy qualities. Cedarwood adds a robust, slightly spicy undertone, enhancing the fragrance's warmth and evoking the sense of a cozy cabin in the woods. The sandalwood contributes a smooth, creamy richness, with its subtle, woody sweetness rounding out the scent. Together, these notes create a warm, inviting finish that lingers on the skin, making Fresh Royal Fir not just a celebration of nature but also a source of comfort and solace.

Fresh Royal Fir is more than just a forest-inspired fragrance; it's a sensory journey that captures the tranquility and majesty of the woods. The cool, crisp notes of fir needles and pinecones are beautifully balanced by the warm, aromatic richness of balsam fir, cedarwood, and sandalwood. The result is a fragrance that evokes the freshness of a just-cut forest while also offering a sense of warmth and comfort, making it a perfect scent for those who cherish the beauty and serenity of nature.

Citron Verbena:

Launched in 2023, Citron Verbena is a fragrance that exudes vibrant energy and radiant freshness, designed to invigorate and awaken the senses. This sparkling scent is a dazzling blend of citrus notes, harmonized with the green, aromatic nuances of verbena and the rich depth of French cassis, creating a bright and uplifting olfactory experience.

At the forefront of Citron Verbena is the crisp, zesty aroma of Meyer lemon, lime, and citron. These citrus notes are lively and effervescent, bursting with the juicy freshness that characterizes ripe, sun-drenched fruits. Meyer lemon, known for its slightly sweeter and less acidic profile compared to regular lemons, adds a soft, smooth citrus note that balances the sharper tang of lime and citron. The lime contributes a vibrant, tangy zest that heightens the fragrance's overall brightness, while citron, with its bold, sharp citrus aroma, adds a distinctive and refreshing edge.

As the citrus notes dance on the skin, they are beautifully complemented by the green, herbal scent of verbena. Verbena, often cherished for its clean, lemony fragrance with a hint of floral sweetness, introduces a fresh, green layer that enhances the citrus elements while adding depth and complexity. This note brings an aromatic quality to the fragrance, making it feel both invigorating and soothing, as if walking through a sunlit garden filled with citrus trees and herbs.

Adding another dimension to Citron Verbena is the inclusion of French cassis, or blackcurrant. Cassis lends a rich, fruity undertone to the fragrance, with its sweet, tangy scent that deepens the overall composition. This note introduces a subtle berry-like sweetness that contrasts beautifully with the crisp citrus and fresh verbena, creating a balanced, multifaceted fragrance profile.

Together, these notes create a scent that is both refreshing and uplifting, perfect for those who seek a fragrance that embodies the vitality and brightness of a sunny day. Citron Verbena is dazzling and gleaming, with its sparkling citrus and green notes designed to awaken the senses and evoke a sense of joy and energy. Whether worn as a daily pick-me-up or as a refreshing burst of fragrance on special occasions, Citron Verbena captures the essence of sunny optimism and vibrant freshness.

Lavender Balsam:

Lavender Balsam is a fragrance that weaves together the soothing, aromatic essence of lavender with the earthy, grounding presence of woods and herbs, creating a rich and balanced scent designed to evoke tranquility and warmth. This blend combines the fresh, clean notes of lavender and citrus with the deep, comforting aroma of balsam, cedar, and sandalwood, making it an ideal fragrance for setting a calming and peaceful mood.

At the heart of Lavender Balsam is the unmistakable scent of lavender, known for its calming and relaxing properties. The lavender here is vibrant yet soothing, its floral sweetness balanced by a subtle herbal undertone that enhances its natural freshness. This aromatic herb is a cornerstone of the fragrance, offering a sense of tranquility and serenity.

Complementing the lavender is a touch of citron, which adds a bright, citrusy lift to the fragrance. The sharp, zesty note of citron introduces a refreshing, invigorating quality that pairs beautifully with the soft floral aroma of lavender, creating a scent that is both energizing and calming.

Herbal notes of sweet grass, rosemary, and clary sage further enrich the composition, adding layers of earthy, green freshness. Sweet grass imparts a light, airy sweetness reminiscent of a sunlit meadow, while rosemary contributes a slightly camphorous, aromatic sharpness that invigorates the senses. Clary sage, known for its musky, herbaceous scent, adds depth and complexity, grounding the fragrance in a warm, earthy aroma.

As the fragrance evolves, it reveals a sensual mix of woods, anchored by the rich, resinous scent of balsam. The balsam brings a deep, slightly sweet, and comforting note that blends seamlessly with the lavender and herbs, creating a warm, enveloping base. Cedarwood adds a dry, woody undertone that complements the balsam, while sandalwood introduces a creamy, smooth richness that lends the fragrance a luxurious feel.

The combination of these notes—lavender, citron, sweet grass, rosemary, clary sage, balsam, cedar, and sandalwood—creates a multifaceted scent that is both soothing and grounding. Lavender Balsam captures the essence of a peaceful woodland retreat, where the crispness of herbs and citrus meets the warmth of woods and resins. This fragrance is designed to set the perfect mood, whether for relaxation, meditation, or simply creating a cozy, inviting atmosphere. Its balanced blend of fresh and earthy notes makes it a versatile and timeless scent that brings a sense of calm and comfort to any space.

Mandarin Musk:

Mandarin Musk is a fragrance that masterfully blends the invigorating freshness of citrus with the softness of florals and the warmth of musk, creating a scent that is both vibrant and alluring. This composition is a delicate interplay of bright, zesty notes with deeper, more sensual undertones, making it a versatile and captivating fragrance.

At the forefront of Mandarin Musk are the citrus notes of mandarin, lemon, and bergamot. The mandarin offers a sweet, juicy burst of freshness, its scent reminiscent of sun-ripened oranges. This is complemented by the sharp, tangy aroma of lemon, which adds a lively, crisp edge to the fragrance. Bergamot, with its slightly spicy and floral undertone, rounds out the citrus trio, bringing a sophisticated, aromatic complexity that elevates the initial brightness of the fragrance.

As the citrus notes settle, the heart of Mandarin Musk reveals itself with a beautiful blend of pomegranate, peony, and neroli. The pomegranate introduces a subtle fruity sweetness, adding a layer of depth and richness to the scent. Peony, a delicate and romantic floral note, softens the composition with its fresh, airy petals, while neroli, derived from the blossoms of the bitter orange tree, infuses the fragrance with a sweet, honeyed floralcy that is both uplifting and comforting.

The base of the fragrance is anchored by musk, which adds a warm, sensual foundation that lingers on the skin. The musk provides a soft, velvety texture that balances the vibrant top notes and the floral heart, creating a harmonious blend that feels both fresh and intimate.

Together, these notes—mandarin, lemon, bergamot, pomegranate, peony, neroli, and musk—create a fragrance that is dynamic yet balanced. Mandarin Musk is a scent that transitions beautifully from day to night, its bright citrus opening giving way to a soft, floral heart and a warm, musky finish. The result is a fragrance that is at once refreshing and comforting, making it a perfect choice for those who appreciate a scent that is both energizing and soothing. Whether worn for a casual day out or an evening occasion, Mandarin Musk captures the essence of effortless elegance and timeless allure.

Sea Salt & Grapefruit: 

Sea Salt & Grapefruit is a fragrance that captures the invigorating essence of the ocean and the zesty brightness of citrus, creating a scent that is both refreshing and energizing. This composition skillfully layers fruity and marine notes over a warm, musky base, resulting in a fragrance that is as dynamic as it is comforting.

At the top of Sea Salt & Grapefruit are the vibrant and juicy notes of grapefruit, apricot, and fresh pineapple. The grapefruit offers a sharp, tangy burst of citrus that immediately awakens the senses with its bright and lively character. This is complemented by the soft sweetness of apricot, which adds a lush, velvety texture to the fragrance, balancing the tartness of the grapefruit. Fresh pineapple introduces a tropical twist, its juicy, sun-kissed aroma bringing a sense of warmth and vitality to the composition.

Adding to the complexity of this fragrance is a note of tart rhubarb, which introduces a subtle, tangy edge that enhances the overall freshness of the scent. The rhubarb adds a unique twist, its slightly sour aroma contrasting beautifully with the sweetness of the fruits, creating a playful interplay of flavors that keeps the fragrance interesting and vibrant.

At the heart of Sea Salt & Grapefruit is a soothing marine note, which evokes the calming essence of the ocean. This marine note adds a cool, refreshing layer to the fragrance, reminiscent of a gentle sea breeze that carries with it the scent of saltwater and fresh air. This element brings a sense of tranquility and relaxation, grounding the bright, fruity top notes with its serene, watery presence.

The fragrance is anchored by a warm, seductive base of vanilla musk. The vanilla adds a creamy, sweet richness that envelops the other notes, providing a comforting and indulgent foundation. The musk introduces a soft, velvety texture that lingers on the skin, enhancing the overall warmth and depth of the fragrance. Together, these base notes create a sense of warmth and sensuality, rounding out the freshness of the top and heart notes with a smooth, inviting finish.

Sea Salt & Grapefruit is a fragrance that captures the essence of a day by the sea, with its energizing citrus opening, calming marine heart, and warm, musky base. It is a scent that is both invigorating and soothing, making it perfect for those who seek a fragrance that can refresh and uplift while also providing a sense of comfort and warmth. Whether worn on a sunny day or as a reminder of the ocean's embrace, Sea Salt & Grapefruit offers a multi-faceted olfactory experience that is both refreshing and enveloping.

Heirloom Fontana:

Heirloom Fontana is a sophisticated fragrance that masterfully combines freshness with warmth, crafting a scent experience that is both luxurious and evocative. The fragrance opens with a vibrant burst of crisp bergamot and fresh ozonic notes, creating an initial impression that is both invigorating and airy. The bergamot imparts a zesty, citrusy brightness that immediately awakens the senses, while the ozonic notes add a clean, fresh quality reminiscent of a breezy, open space.

As the fragrance evolves, it transitions into a heart of clove and clean florals. The clove bud introduces a subtle spiciness, its warm and aromatic character adding depth and complexity to the scent. This is beautifully balanced by the clean, delicate presence of mimosa blossom and sage leaf. The mimosa blossom brings a soft, floral sweetness that is both elegant and inviting, while the sage leaf adds a hint of herbal freshness, enhancing the overall sophistication of the fragrance.

The base notes of Heirloom Fontana are where the fragrance truly comes into its own, offering a sensual and grounding finish. Cedarwood and smooth sandalwood create a rich, creamy foundation, their woody tones providing a sense of depth and warmth that anchors the fragrance. The addition of amber musk introduces a warm, ambered quality that enhances the sensuality of the base, enveloping the wearer in a soft, velvety embrace. Patchouli adds a touch of earthy richness, rounding out the base with its deep, complex aroma.

Overall, Heirloom Fontana offers a high-end fragrance experience that blends the freshness of bergamot and ozonic notes with the warmth of clove, woods, and amber musk. The combination of these elements creates a scent that is both elegant and nostalgic, evoking a sense of timeless luxury and refinement. The fragrance's ability to balance invigorating freshness with sensual depth makes it a versatile choice for any occasion, whether it be a formal event or a quiet evening at home

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