Henry Dunay, renowned for his artistry in the jewelry world, expanded his creative vision into the realm of perfumery in 1998 with the launch of Sabi, a green floral fragrance for women. Dunay is celebrated for his sculptural designs, particularly his signature Sabi finish in gold jewelry, characterized by its brushed, textured surface. Known for fusing elegance with artistic boldness, Dunay brought the same meticulous attention to detail and refined aesthetic to his perfume.
The name “Sabi” holds profound meaning, rooted in the Japanese concept of wabi-sabi. Pronounced “SAH-bee,” the term refers to the beauty found in imperfection, impermanence, and the natural world. It evokes images of weathered, time-worn objects, serene landscapes, and the graceful passage of time. Choosing this name reflects Dunay’s artistic ethos—an appreciation for understated elegance and depth. The name itself stirs emotions of serenity, nostalgia, and connection to nature, making it an evocative choice for a perfume.