
Welcome to my unique perfume blog! Here, you'll find detailed, encyclopedic entries about perfumes and companies, complete with facts and photos for easy research. This site is not affiliated with any perfume companies; it's a reference source for collectors and enthusiasts who cherish classic fragrances. My goal is to highlight beloved, discontinued classics and show current brand owners the demand for their revival. Your input is invaluable! Please share why you liked a fragrance, describe its scent, the time period you wore it, any memorable occasions, or what it reminded you of. Did a relative wear it, or did you like the bottle design? Your stories might catch the attention of brand representatives. I regularly update posts with new information and corrections. Your contributions help keep my entries accurate and comprehensive. Please comment and share any additional information you have. Together, we can keep the legacy of classic perfumes alive!
Showing posts with label Pavots D'Argent by Roger et Gallet c1926. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pavots D'Argent by Roger et Gallet c1926. Show all posts

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Pavots D'Argent by Roger et Gallet c1926

The perfume "Pavots d'Argent" by Roger et Gallet was launched in 1926, a period characterized by significant social and cultural transformations. The Roaring Twenties was an era marked by economic prosperity, the flourishing of the arts, and a shift in societal norms, particularly concerning women's roles and freedoms. This was a time when women were increasingly embracing new fashions, working outside the home, and asserting their independence.

In this context, gardening, including the cultivation of flowers such as poppies, became a popular pastime for many women. The opium poppy, known for its vibrant and delicate flowers, was particularly admired for its beauty and symbolism. Although the growing of opium poppies at home was not widespread due to their association with opium production, ornamental varieties of poppies were common in home gardens, appreciated for their aesthetic appeal rather than their narcotic properties.

"Pavots d'Argent" translates to "Silver Poppies" in English. Roger et Gallet likely chose this name for its evocative imagery and luxurious connotations. The term "pavots" (poppies) evokes a sense of natural beauty and delicate elegance, while "d'argent" (of silver) adds an element of opulence and sophistication. Together, the name suggests a blend of nature's beauty with a touch of preciousness, making it a fitting choice for a high-end perfume.

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