
Welcome to my unique perfume blog! Here, you'll find detailed, encyclopedic entries about perfumes and companies, complete with facts and photos for easy research. This site is not affiliated with any perfume companies; it's a reference source for collectors and enthusiasts who cherish classic fragrances. My goal is to highlight beloved, discontinued classics and show current brand owners the demand for their revival. Your input is invaluable! Please share why you liked a fragrance, describe its scent, the time period you wore it, any memorable occasions, or what it reminded you of. Did a relative wear it, or did you like the bottle design? Your stories might catch the attention of brand representatives. I regularly update posts with new information and corrections. Your contributions help keep my entries accurate and comprehensive. Please comment and share any additional information you have. Together, we can keep the legacy of classic perfumes alive!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Vintage Face Patters

In 1923, Dorothy Grey introduced The Face Patter, to stimulate circulation and ... The Face Patter to stimulate circulation, which gave cheeks a natural, rosy glow. It was also used for “reducing a double chin at the same time making the muscles firm”,” to firm loose muscles and a crepy throat”, and “for erasing lines and wrinkles.”

“Pat your way to perfection with the little Dorothy Gray Patter. One, two, three! One, two, three! The brisk, rhythmic patting stimulates a rapid, healthy circulation, making the muscles firm, keeping the skin clear and bright. And its all so quick, so easy! The Dorothy Gray Patter does its work deftly and well. It costs only $2.50.” “Pat a thin face gently,” the instructions read, “a plump face firmly.”

The face patter was a simple round slice of rubber stuck on the end of a handle that measured a foot long. A "specially contrived instrument for stimulating the facial muscles without irritating the skin".

The directions called for cleaning the skin with the Dorothy Gray Cleansing Cream, then patting on the Circulation Cream, then applying the non-fattening, emollient Special Mixture Tissue Cream for circulation, then applying the mild, refreshing Orange Flower Skin Tonic astringent and rhythmically patting some more, finally patting on the Astringent Lotion, the effective contour astringent..

In 1932, Margaret Dibble applied for a patent on her improved face patter made up of sponge rubber. Her design added a pocket/ cut out portion so that a cake of soap could be slipped in or astringent could be poured inside. The function of the dampened patter using soap was to massage and stimulate the pores for efficient and deeper cleansing of the face, in which a foaming lather would be produced by moving the patter in a circular motion over the face.

For patting purposes, a small amount of astringent could be poured into the pocket, allowing the liquid to fully penetrate the one side of the patter made up of spongy material. The other side would be for powder or massaging of the face. The handle of the patter was made up rubber, which allowed flexibility and reduced fatigue from usage. Her patent was granted in 1934.

Elizabeth Arden also came out with a face patter.

Marcel Rochas

Marcel Rochas was born in Paris, France in 1902. He opened his house in 1924. He was encouraged by Jean Cocteau, Christian Berard and Paul Poiret. In 1931, Marcel ROCHAS opened his fashion house to the 12 Matignon avenue. His customers are composed, amongst other things, stars Hollywood such as Carole Lombard, Marlène Dietrich and among others. For the actress Mae West, Marcel Rochas created a black wasp-waisted corset of Chantilly lace.

Zanol Perfumes and George Lorenz Perfumes

Zanol. The American Products Company of Cincinnati, OH first started using the brand name Zanol around 1907 when it was founded by Albert Mihalovitch, later known as Albert Mills.

Hai Karate Cologne & Aftershave c1967

Hai Karate was a budget cologne on sale in the United States and the United Kingdom during the 1960s through the 1980s. The fragrance was developed by the Leeming Pacquin division of Pfizer and launched in 1967 as their answer to the popular Jade East scent made by Swank.

Hai Karate encompassed products such as aftershave, cologne, talc, shaving cream, foaming cologne, body spray, shampoo, soap on a rope etc. for men.  The scent was described by Leeming as "Mistletoe in a bottle."

Three Flowers by Richard Hudnut c1915

Three Flowers was launched in 1915 by the American perfumer, Richard Hudnut.  Three Flowers was also known as Tres Flores in Spanish speaking countries.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

My Fair Lady by Ravel c1956

My Fair Lady by Ravel Perfume Corp. was launched around 1956. The name was derived from the Broadway musical My Fair Lady which debuted in 1956. The My Fair Lady name was filed for trademark in 1956 by Ravel.

Body On Tap Shampoo

 “Gives your hair good body.”  “Enriched with beer.“

Body On Tap was made by Bristol Meyers starting in 1978 and they had discontinued it after short 4 years not because of liability with it being associated with alcohol as many people believe, but simply because it didn’t sell that well.

Vintage Shampoo - Lemon Up

Do you remember that 1970’s shampoo called Lemon Up? I am just a tad too young to remember this product but many of my readers may. In my research I have found that Lemon Up was a line of beauty products based on a citrus theme and put out by Toni Products, included were the famous shampoo, crème rinse, facial cleanser, and an anti-blemish lotion.

1930 Article on Importation of Foreign Perfumes

According to a 1930's article in the Tampa Times:

"The practice of bringing back perfumes from Cuba for all your friends is just about a thing of the past now, under the terms of the new (Republican) tariff law. Importations of all foreign manufactured perfumes are forbidden and Tampans returning recently from Havana were permitted to bring in only a single bottle of any one brand, and then only with the seals broken and other evidence of the perfume's source destroyed. Messrs. Chanel, Cot and others -address Paris - will be required to open brand factories in the US to manufacture their famous scents."

Skinny Dip by Leeming c1970

"Be a Skinny Dip Girl! Skinny Dip Makes a Girl Feel Pretty"

Skinny Dip was released in 1970 by Leeming, a division of Pfizer.

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Faking Perfume Bottles to Increase Their Value

The issue of adding "after market" accents to rather plain perfume bottles to increase their value is not new to the world o...