
Welcome to my unique perfume blog! Here, you'll find detailed, encyclopedic entries about perfumes and companies, complete with facts and photos for easy research. This site is not affiliated with any perfume companies; it's a reference source for collectors and enthusiasts who cherish classic fragrances. My goal is to highlight beloved, discontinued classics and show current brand owners the demand for their revival. Your input is invaluable! Please share why you liked a fragrance, describe its scent, the time period you wore it, any memorable occasions, or what it reminded you of. Did a relative wear it, or did you like the bottle design? Your stories might catch the attention of brand representatives. I regularly update posts with new information and corrections. Your contributions help keep my entries accurate and comprehensive. Please comment and share any additional information you have. Together, we can keep the legacy of classic perfumes alive!

Monday, July 21, 2014

Bal a Versailles - Le Parfum du Jour by Jean Desprez c1971

Bal a Versailles - Le Parfum du Jour by Jean Desprez: launched in 1971. It was intended to be worn during the daytime.

Debutante de Versailles by Jean Desprez c1958

As a tribute to the elegant American and French debutantes, the newborn belles of the ball, Jean Desprez created Debutante de Versailles in 1958, a limited edition perfume exclusively created for Daggett & Ramsdell.  The perfume was a tie in to Teleflora's Aura Arrangements campaign line of floral arrangements.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

AA Vantine's History and Perfumes

In this guide I have listed the various perfumes presented by the company of Ashley Abraham Vantine Inc. of  West 39th Street New York City, with additional branches in Boston and Philadelphia.

Vantine's Oriental Store was a well known gift shop that specialized in imported wares "from the Empires of Japan, China, India, China, Persia and the East." It was founded in 1869 by Ashley Abraham Vantine in New York City, establishing one of the first stores to import Oriental goods.

In addition to Asian produced bronze items, many of their bronze incense burners were also imported from France. Vantine's supplied a touch of the exotic to Americans during the craze for all things Oriental.

Max Factor's Sophisti-cat Presentations

During the period of 1954 to 1970, Max Factor was looking for a new way to draw a younger crowd to their line of perfumes. Their answer? The range of Sophisti-cat and Poodle presentations.

These presentations had either flocked cardboard cats, honey bears or poodles in various colors such as purple, red, pink, brown, black, chartreuse, green, yellow and turquoise blue. All animals had different colored rhinestone eyes. Each animal would have a small dram and a half  (1/8 ounce) sized bottle of parfum attached to them. The presentations were further enhanced by little trinkets such as a necklace, flower, feathers or pearl necklaces around the necks of the animals, all captured under a clear plastic dome.

The perfumes for these presentations were some of Max Factor's best seller:  Primitif (1956), Golden Woods  (1951) , Electrique (1954) Aquarius (1969), Jonquille (1960s), Exuberance and  Hypnotique  from 1958.

Looking through old magazine ads I noted that the 1950s bottles were rectangular in shape, then as the 1960s went on they became more cylindrical. The ears on the cats in particular are very pointy in the 1950s versions.

Look on ebay for fabulous bargains on these old time faves!!!

Cadolle Freres

Cadolle Freres of Paris France, established in 1889 as a haute couture corsetry and lingerie shop in Buenos Aires by Herminie Cadolle, she opened a Paris shop in 1910 as a family business with fashionable clientele at 14 rue Cambon.

April Showers by Cheramy c1921

The Cheramy perfumery, was established by Raymond Couin at 19 rue Cambon, Paris in around 1921. The name Cheramy may be a play on words, deriving from Cher Ami ("dear friend" in French). April Showers was Cheramy's best selling fragrance.

Japonsime Influence in Perfumery & Mentone Perfumes

While doing the research, I was pleasantly surprised to find that Mentone (French name Menton) was a major perfume center like Grasse. Menton is famous for its citrus fruits, flowers, olive oil and essential oil manufacturing. They even have a special Citrus festival each year and their Menton Lemon is ranked as one of the finest by chef's around the world.

From a 1919 book “Mentone France, A seaport town and health resort on the Mediterranean. There is considerable trade in fruit and in flowers and leaves used in the manufacture of perfumes and in olive oil. “

Mentone (Menton), like Grasse, was filled with perfume distilleries, if you visited one, you received a souvenir perfume. Menton, was described as a city of gardens.Menton, 8km (5 miles) east of Monaco, is more Italianate than French as it stands right at the border with Italy at the far eastern extremity of the Côte d'Azur. In 1889, it was stated that the French Riviera contained 70 perfume distilleries.

Perfumes are still alive and well in Menton, you can purchase perfumes directly from a website www.prestigedementon.com

The perfume bottle I date to around 1885-1890. The style of the label is very simple and would be considered Japonisme. The Japonisme style started in France around 1880, after some French naval flees visited Japan and brought back many Japanese treasures back home with them. Archaeologists and museums studied the artifacts and a lot of contemporary artwork was influenced by Japan.

Utilizing Japonsime was highly lucrative and Japanese motifs helped to sell a range of items from the luxurious to the mundane. The Japanese influence on perfumery is evident, with many perfume names and perfume labels being based on Japanese -sounding or looking characters and words or decoration.

Lucille Young Cosmetics

There was a very famous Lucille Young, she was a silent film star from Lyons, France. 1892-August 2, 1934. Whether this Lucille is the same as the one who created the cosmetics company or not, I have no idea.

All products found date circa 1900-1930s, products included: wrinkle treatment, skin cleanser, skin whitener, masque, wrinkle masque, hand beautiful treatment., wrinkle massage, bust massage, figure massage, tissue cream, mascara, nail enamel and possibly more.

From a 1920 Photoplay Magazine advertisement:

“Banish Coarse Pores! My methods have brought beauty to thousands. Let me rid you of coarse pores, wrinkles, blackheads, pimples, freckles and superfluous hair. This portrait is my proof of that my beauty methods accomplish. My heart goes out to every girl and woman who has an ambition to be admired. You owe it to yourself to be attractive, admired and courted and I am proud that it is my privilege to help you. 
I want you to know the methods used by famous actresses, society leaders and movie stars, mail the coupon below. I will send you free, my new work ”Stepping Stones To Beauty”, containing full and complete information of my methods and how to use them, in the privacy of your own home, and with the same wonderful results of which thousands of others have had. This knowledge has cost me years of patient, faithful and scientific research. Send no money, write your name and address plainly and you will receive at once, complete information on the following beauty methods:

  • To Banish/Refine Coarse Pores
  • To Banish Wrinkles
  • To Banish Blackheads, Pimples, Tan, Freckles and Oily Skin
  • To Beautify the Figure, Hands and Arms.
  • To Remove Superfluous Hair
  • To Grow Beautiful Eyebrows and Eyelashes
  • To Clear the Skin of Acne
  • For Beautiful Hair 
Lucille Young, Room 107-1010, Lucille Young Building, Chicago, Ill."

Below are two photos of Lucille Young (the actress, photos from Washington University)

Marcelle Perfumes & Cosmetics

Marcelle was a line from the CW Beggs & Sons Company from Illinois. The Marcelle line included perfumes, toiletries, hair products and cosmetics in the 1920s-1930s.

Some of the perfumes in the Marcelle line included:
  • 1923 Lilac Vegetale Hair Lotion
  • 1932 Rose
  • 1932 Narcissus
  • 1832 Oriental
  • 1932 Lilac
  • Damascus

There isn't much to be found on this company. I did happen to find a legal document with the following:

"C. W. Beggs Sons & Co., an Illinois corporation with place of business at Chicago, 111., also operated under the trade names Marcelle Cosmetics and Marcelle Hypo-Allergenic Cosmetics, engaged in the sale and distribution of a line of cosmetics under the trade or brand designation "Marcelle" in interstate commerce, in competition with corporations, firms, and individuals likewise engaged, entered into the following agreement to cease and desist from the alleged unfair methods of competition in commerce as set forth therein. C. W. Beggs Sons & Co., whether trading under its own name, as Marcelle Cosmetics, Marcelle Hypo-Allergenic Cosmetics, or by any other designation or style, in connection with the sale and distribution of its commodities in commerce as defined by the Federal Trade Com-mission Act, or the advertising thereof by the means or in the manner above set forth, agreed that it will forthwise cease and desist from representing : That thousands of doctors have prescribed Marcelle Hypo-Allergenic Cosmetics, or that any numbers in excess of the true total thereof have so approved or recommended the same. C. W. Beggs Sons & Co. also agreed that should it ever resume or indulge in any of the aforesaid methods, acts, or practices which It has herein agreed to discontinue, or in the event the Commission should issue its complaint and institute formal proceedings against the respondent as provided herein, this stipulation as to the facts and agreement to cease and desist, if relevant, may be received in such proceedings as evidence of the prior use by the respondent of the methods." .

Friday, July 18, 2014

Young-Quinlan Perfume

I had originally published this article in 2010 on my original Cleopatra's Boudoir website.

The Young-Quinlan Company was a department store built in 1926 in downtown Minneapolis. Like many department stores, Young-Quinlan had a beauty counter and sold high end perfumes and cosmetics, but some people may not realize that Young-Quinlan launched perfumes under their own name.

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Faking Perfume Bottles to Increase Their Value

The issue of adding "after market" accents to rather plain perfume bottles to increase their value is not new to the world o...